Lance Williams

Name: Lance

Gender: Male

Age: 20s

Physical Traits: Blond, tall (6 feet), and a slim build.

History: Lance has traveled far and wide, always in search of something to do. He's met quite a few characters, some who left a bad taste in his mouth. Others who have etched fond memories to live forever in his heart.

Occupations: Formerly a bodyguard for the socially elite, Lance grew bored and turned his gaze to travel now and works odd jobs and the occassional schemes to fund his lifestyle.

Personality: Lance comes from a rough upbringing which has forged his tough exterior. At times he can be brash, but deep down he's soft and caring especially around close friends.
When it comes to making decisions there's not much Lance considers before diving in headfirst and asking for forgiveness later. He chooses to live on the edge, even if that costs him at the end of the day, but the thrill is too great a temptation.
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2 | Apr 15th 2021 18:14