A Message From DJ ;)

Hey guys!! It's the Deej and I have some very exciting news for you. First of all, @Joshua_Remix will be drawing a picture of me soon so I will be able to give my face reveal pretty soon. ;) Second of all I am currently starring in an original storyline/plotline called Rock God which tells the story of how I met one of my best friends Mick L. Dawson and became the lead singer of Shock Therapy and became a legendary Rock God!!! :D You can catch the story in the links below and since the story is also posted on Wattpad cross your fingers for possibly an eventual movie or television adaptation because that would so totally rock!! Love ya all, you're the best and you guys just keep on rocking!! :D

-DJ (David Goliath James)


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2 | Apr 8th 2021 20:24