Plot Idea: Guarded Gates (Supernatural/Phycologica

Everyone has a guardian angel of some sorts, but YC feels more protected than most. They've almost died many times, and were saved in cases that should be considered miracles. However, everything comes at a price, even devine protection. Humans are only allowed seven miracles in their lifetime before they reach their limit, and those that go over must pay for that extra miracle in full.Their guardian angel (MC) reveals themselves and states that if they don't want their miracles to be taken away and them die, YC has to battle in a intense game between angels and their protected.

There are twelve pairs of fighters, and only one person can live to keep their miracles. There are ten challenges meant to slowly whittle down the contestants, each testing a new skill of the human mind. Fight against others in tests of strength, wit, and strategy to avoid the death flag for YC.

- We can spilt the other contestants as characters or I can make it feels more like a puzzle game for you, whichever!
-Roles can be swapped
-Can add romance with another contestant if that is wanted
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0 | Mar 9th 2021 22:36