WonPil's powers

WonPil find out about the place were the prisoners are thanks to his powers. To be sure of it they need to go to control if the prisoners are really there, they don't need support since SangPil is there but certainly a way to exit. They need Tero on their side more than usually so they decide to go to ask him if he lets them exit without Jae to know. It could be suspicious also if they are almost sure that is the right place.
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1 | Jan 22nd 2021 05:23
Coconut "It would have been useful to have someone undercover to find informations. It turned out exactly that way but my appas kept hesitating."
WonPil'd better not be close to the edge or to the hands then.
"You were calling the Seelie. I don't trust them..." She'd have a proper explaination but cannot say it.
"Geaenchanheyo." She doesn't doubt WonPil at all, but she is much happier without any other Seelie, Unseelie, fairy of any kind around.
She hurries to follow them as they leave the apartment, not wanting to remain behind.
When in presence of cars all around, she remains a bit stunned. "We are taking one of these?"
Dark_Lord Deimos is a chef.
°Do anyone has problems with your ears? Don't worry I will need to eat at some point.
What I was doing for you? Having fun at the palace?° Bluffed.
He follows Tero outside and waits for WonPil to come.
Memory "But they would have to do as I say. I am not dying to call them, anyway." He is never enthusiastic about asking for help to anyone, least of all umma.
"Shadowhunters don't have problems with my ears, just with my whole kind." If that's a reassurance.

Tero. He uncovers his motorbikes and gets on one. "By the day."

He looks at Sangpil. "So you wanna drive it?"
Coconut "Algetseumnida...I am just uncomfortable with them." They had to tell where they went anyway.
She looks at the motorbike for some time but eventually gets on, not yet sure how to sit on it properly. "That should do...what am I supposed to do?"
Dark_Lord °With your whole kind? Then also with me unfortunately.
Aniyo I will buy one with my money and destroy it by myself.
It seems like an horse so just sit on it.° he goes with WonPil.