
Maybe he took the situation too much easily, he drank too much mirin and smoked also some of the opium he is bringing to Hitachi... He was already stunned for those things so he didn't see Jae coming. He asked why he had opium and he didn't know he cannot bring it to HItachi so he told the truth but then Jae approached him to take the opium back and saw a strange thing. That couldn't be a normal person, A KNIGHT in the palace. He decided not to just kill him too easy, he wants to know Shiinden secrets and the abilities of all the knights. Since he was discovered he made the ready bombs explode, since they explode with his powers he is immune to it. But it wasn't enought.
They brought him in a cell waiting for someone to interrogate him. He is really pissed that he was discovered and couldn't do anything to escape. He hadn't to smoke opium! Now what he can do? He couldn't make others risk for him and he will not tell a single word about Shiinden to them.

What happens is unexpected, Deidara doesn't know how SangPil looks like, but Jae calls him to interrogate the prisoner a loyal avatar od death who is better than him?
Jae remains there to find out immediately what SangPil finds out. Jae could ask Francis but he is not 100% sure that he always tells the truth, after all he cannot be sure so he cannot risk to harm Yichuan for a thought. He would loose a lot of informations he couldn't hide.

So in the room there are SangPil, Deidara and Jae. A really bad situation but Shiinden is more important than a person and Jae will go away at some point, Shii would like him to do it right? The most logical thing.
The interrogation starts and Deidara is still under the effect of alcohol and opium so he says only useless things and the torture is a little useless since he is out.
At some point Jae decides to give up but before to go °That jerk doesn't know anything useful but let's be sure to send a message, we will send back his head°.

SangPil. °Just to say it wouldn't be the best move, wouldn't it be better to make them know we captured him and that we know more than what they think? Killing him would mean to say that he didn't revealed anything but keeping him alive would mean that he is talking noone kills a source of informations.°

J. °Enought of your blabbering, I expected more from the avatar of death. I don't care about what they think I want only them to get destroyed and if his death will make them angry then good, if they loose control because one them died they will try to attack and get crashed.° Or this is what he thinks.

S. °You misunderstood I have no problem in killing him but with my own way. If we want to send a message let's make it look like he suffered°.

Jae smirks, °I will leave it to you then° and leaves.

He then looks at "SangPil", °You can try your worst I will not talk°

S. °You dumbhead now I have to find a way to make you survive withoutanyone to know° He makes a serious look.


S. °Probably the only way is go the nearer to death we can without really killing you.°

°It doesn't seem that good°

S. °It needs only to work, I know what to do, you have just to seem dead.° He goes to take an empty vial and puts inside it some of his blood. °After your death they will bring you out, when you are safe drink this blood and you will be able to go to a doctor.° Then he drinks his blood until he faints then he brings him to Jae and he didn't understand that he is still alive so they throw him away outside the castle, thinking that the ones in Shiinden will be able to see what happened.

When outside Deidara with barely some strenght back drinks SangPil's blood and arrives to Shiinden where he faints again.
Heart this
2 | Jan 20th 2021 04:02
LaNii "That's even worse! Just bringing her here will kill more people than it'd save! And it still has to be seen what the real consequences of her defeat on the close future were. The fact they were all cut out of their reality can't be a good sign and I can't be the only one thinking so..."
He places a hand on his forehead. "She is a goddess, she can't be here on her full form or that alone will kill a huge number of creatures..."
Dobermann "She didn't betray yet...she might but we can't know. Dragging her and kill could cause seriously bad unbalances in Nortrig.
We can't test but we have all the knowledge of the world in our hands.
I confirm, sweetie. You are not the only one thinking so.
We have to stop him, he is out of his mind..."
LIES °Then we need to defeat Jae before he aims to do it.° after all that memory that they saw was a world destroyed by Mijhatev.
°Do you think that if he will bring Mijhatev here then?° he looks at Sasori for one moment, °The world will become that way?
Then she needs to take a body?
We should find out about a solution.°

LaNii "It will be devastating... even in the close future, she manifested inside the body of her Avatar... we can't even know what effects it could have, if a goddess appeared in her full form."
He nods, glad that WuXin thinks the same way.
"We must hurry. There is no time to lose anymore." Maybe this is where SangPil could send a message about what they found out?
"It's possible..."
Dobermann "Gods cannot step in Nortrig in their form. They need an Avatar or someone to accept them inside. One God in Nortrig in its real form could be catastrophic.
Ne. We should split. I'll return to the cauldron, you others might make more researches about that entity."