
He is starting to enjoy the life at the Palace. He is still very bothered but Gaara but for some reason in there, he doesn't kill anyone who approaches. He doesn't know which, but the demon has his own deal with Jae.
Another thing starting to amuse him is how servants get scared of him. He doesn't do much but voices spreaded about what he is and what's inside him.

It is evening and he wants to drink. By now it is always that way, he doesn't go to sleep, he just drinks till he faints and wakes up the morning after.
He orders the eunuchs to bring him many alcoholics.
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1 | Jan 18th 2021 15:02
LIES °Oh he survived just by case. What a shit to tell someone to kill their son.
Who sent me?
I don't give lessons, I am an eunuch there is not right in what they did to me. How a man can stay without ° he mimes what he means that is missing.
°I have a good sense of balance° he starts to drink too, °Don't forget about the opium°
Privateer "I guess. I was a damn infant, I don't know how things went. Gaara does what he wants.
Your head eunuchs? How am I supposed to know.
I don't want the details. I have everything right down there.
Opium excuse won't save you for long either if I don't get it."
LIES °Gaara has no sense of danger then. He said just stupid things.
Then you are lucky, seriously it hurt also my pride.... It wasn't my dream to become an eunuch.
If I remain here I will not be able to bring you any opium. I will do my best to bring it tomorrow.°
Privateer "Because he is danger itself, how you want to call that.
I didn't tell you to become an eunuch though. Next time, take care of your balls.
I don't need It right now, but by tomorrow evening it'd be really good to have it."
LIES °He is a demon there is no better word. It is just the truth.
Hey I didn't choose it, do you think anyone would choose this? I was really really drunk and they kidnapped me! Those jerks... If I meet them pagine they will not survive.
I will bring it, I am sure there is some deposit in this big castle.°