Elias: Dezi's younger step brother

"step brother" *he corrected the nurse* "Alexander is my step brother, he goes by the name Dezi? You must've heard of him" *the nurse just smiled and nodded slightly, no way was the little guy related to dezi in anyway he'd be much more powerful* "just sign here hun" *elias signed the paper* "can I go now? I want to start looking for my brother" *the nurse sighed* "yeah go look for your *she paused and said mockingly* brother" *she turned and walked away* ~jeez is everyone so mean around here, I hope I find dezi maybe then people will be nicer to me~ *he thought cheerful as he set out onto the town, little did young elias walker knew what he was getting himself into*
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1 | Nov 25th 2020 13:17
Kujo @sabrinalionheart like the little intro? A bit of a tease to one of my new plot twists ;) XD