First day if work

He wanted to do well so he brought some things to give at the refugees, especially for the kids, old toys and clothes. He has a lot of such stuff.
He is good with people so the day was smoothie for the most of the time, it was the first day so something had to go out of the plans but not badly.

Now after a LONG day he and Tihao are returning back, he was tired so when they were enough far he returned of his shape. He is still not accustomed to remain in a shape for too long.
Heart this
1 | Nov 22nd 2020 13:28
Yokai "I have a twin too but he looks nothing like me. Instead I found a human looking the same.
Being free is good but never as enjoyable as finding real love.
You can't imagine how healthy we were when born. All bones, sickness and ice.
Poetically you could call it that way. I have always liked pork more." The phone wanted to change it into p0rn.
"You asked me about WonPil and I, if I am not mistaken.
I want wine only."
KIWII °It's not hard to believe someone identical to you, especially for me in my family we can be really real.
I don't want to be so stupid to go to jail also if my father is a good lawyer.
Oh we all have a twin, at least something in common! What else we have in common?° I am sure he likes p0rn a lot. °At least someone that drinks with me. I want friend chicken and mozzarella with some wine too.°
LaNii "You were even lucky, there could have been malformations too, very common in that kind of circumstances." Incest.
"Who wouldn't prefer pork, rabbit is such a random meat. Half of the time they cook it dry as shit."
He rolls his eyes. "I asked for advices though, you didn't seem to mind talking about it!" he grumbles.
"Identical twins exist in nature, they are just very rare and never perfectly identical." Unlike himself and QinShi.
"I'd drink, I don't mind, but nobody will believe I'm 21." They won't believe it not even when he will be, due to his height.
Yokai "Nothing else, I hope." He is an evil savage.
"I won't drink much. I can't stand alcohol and probably WonPil wouldn't like to see me returning home drunk." He doesn't want to be scolded!!
"Arayo. Inand ShiHao were born lucky considering everything." Nop, hs doesn't mean it.
"Ne. If they don't know how to cook, they should simply stop trying and buy takeaway.
You didn't take my advices though. You still didn't do it." Teasing.
KIWII °What kind of circumstance? Yeah being father is a lucky if you want it.
How old are you then? Being not so much tall is not your fault.
You make him command you? You are old enough to do what you like.
But if they don't practice they will never be able to cook, it is better to try to do it before to just buy it.°