Finn McCoul

Finn McCoul grew up in his homeland in Ireland. His red hair and brown eyes visually represented him, and he always had a slick blue jacket his father gave him when he was young. He grew up with his mother Marcel, and his father, who like every male in his family tree, was an alcoholic. Even Finn's grandpa drank hard liquor around him with his father, because he didn't really care. Well, he didn't care that Finn saw them like that; drunk and sometimes breaking things like morons. However, when Finn was eighteen, he decided he was ready for a better life. He went to the United States for a better career, since he always wanted to write. He wanted to become an author, but he just couldn't find an editor or people worth his time in his hometown. He believed America was the answer to that. However, he remains in contact with his family through Skype.

Finn has a heavy Irish accent. It is easy to identify his homeland thanks to it, but he has been told by women that it's very attractive. Currently he is twenty one, and just like his father, became an alcoholic. He usually types stories on his laptop vigorously and relentless. He would spend hours on his book which he claims to be his greatest, which he calls "Results with Guns". Due to his alcoholic nature, he drinks wine and liquor, and sometimes other beverages when one is unavailable. He used to smoke, but he has quit thanks to some of his exes.

In Finn's love life, he has not been so lucky. Some dumped him to his alcoholic ways that his father had done, being stupid and getting drunk at nights rather than being in bed with the one he loves. Some dumped him just because he was so obsessed with his writing, that they say they rarely got attention from him. However, after the last girlfriend he truly loved left him, he decided it was time to straighten up. He hopes to meet the girl (or guy depending on the role-play I suppose) of his life one day, and when he does, he will be sure to give her loving as well as try to restrain himself from the pub (what he calls the bar down the street from his apartment).

However, his father had currently died when from drinking and driving, and he has felt a sickness in his heart. But he will move on, and remember his father the way he was: drunk but caring. Now, Finn roams the town for the love of his life as well as discover a way to finish his story.
Heart this
3 | Mar 8th 2016 19:48