Serenity Cross


『B A S I C S』
n a m e → Serenity Cross
a g e → 23
g e n d e r → Female
s e x u a l i t y → heterosexual
e t h n i c i t y → Caucasian
h e i g h t → 5”3
w e i g h t → 120lbs
h a i r (colour and length) → Long wavy silver hair
e y e s → Silver eyes/slight blue tint
r a c e → Pureblood Werewolf - Vampire experiment (see details)
t a t t o o s ? → Cherry Blossoms on her left thigh
p i e r c i n g s ? → None

『A B O U T』
p e r s o n a l i t y h o b b i e s → Kind, sweet, caring
l i k e s → children, springtime, sweets
d i s l i k e s → crowded places, loud noises, the sight of blood
f a m i l y → Brothers; Wrath, Lucas, Adam.
o c c u p a t i o n → Elementary school teacher for species
m e n t a l . i s s u e s ? → None
s i c k ? → No, but she is blind, can see auras of objects and people but does not see the details or colors of it.
s m o k e s ? → No
d r i n k s ? → Occasionally
『E X T R A』
f a v o u r i t e . c o l o u r → Purple and Light green
f a v o u r i t e . f o o d → Macaroons and raspberry tarts
f a v o u r i t e . d r i n k → Jasmine tea
s t y l e → Cute & Casual
a b b i l i t i e s → Empath, can feel others emotions & Pathokinesis, can control others feelings.

h i s t o r y →
Serenity was born the youngest out of the Cross family in Ireland in the early 1800s. Back then pureblood werewolf families were a little more common but around that time they were being hunted down along with vampires and various other creatures. The Cross family was unfortunately targeted by a group that was doing experiments on the people they captured. Their parents were killed and they were held captive for two years being experimented on.

Her capturers were not easy on her despite her being a female they were actually more harsh on her than the men. Finding the fact that the females of the species are the ones who can be bred and make more of their kind. Serenity suppressed her memories of what exactly happened to her, her mind was more fragile back not being able to cope with what happened. Her most recent memory after being experimented on was her brother Lucas covered in blood getting them out of their cells.

Since then Serenity stayed by her brother's side, who grew very protective over her since they never want her to go through anything like that again. When they went off to war she was left scared and alone not knowing what to do. It wasn’t until she met with some of the wives and children of those whose husbands and sons were off fighting the war. In order to keep her mind busy, she would help with the children and in doing that she found her calling.

Throughout the years' Serenity would work with children going to school when things started advancing to become a teacher. Keeping up with her education throughout the years making sure she was advancing with the rest of society making sure her students were getting the best education she could give them. Since she couldn’t have children of her own this was the best substitute she could have to make up for it.

Her brothers built a hospital facility that also coincided as a living quarter and prison for people with magical abilities. They kept the most dangerous killers locked up deep in the basement under heavy security. On the early lower floors of the basement is the residential area. The hospital above it was a small one but was made to look like a regular hospital and function as one in case there were individuals who happened to come across it. It rarely happens since they tried to make it in a remote area but there is a small town nearby so people talk.

When they built this magical place, Wrath became the main doctor knowing every expertise but mainly focused on the neurological aspects of it. He had studied to be a doctor for years, knowing every single thing he could about human bodies and knowing how to fix it as efficiently as he could. Lucas was the one who hunted down the worst of the worst since he was more suited to combat than the rest. Adam went into law and became a lawyer. Serenity, she became a teacher. Her students were those of magical beings, so working with them and teaching them about the human and non-human world means everything to her.
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7 | Nov 3rd 2020 00:29