Toruna Mayclaire [OC]

Full Name: Toruna Mayclaire
Age: 24 years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (Heavy female lean)
Height: 6'1ft / 186cm
Physique: Lightly toned

Modern Setting:
Educational level: Tech degree.
Occupation: Investor, salesman.

High-Fantasy Setting:
(DnD Stats 0 to 20) - STR: 11 ||| DEX: 14 ||| CON: 13 ||| INT: 11 ||| WIS: 13 ||| CHR: 15
Language: Common English & Draconic.
Occupation: Bounty hunter.

I have more images of my character, but I choose not to share them here.
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15 | Sep 27th 2020 21:39