Meet The Siren Sisters!!

Stephanie "Stevie" Wilde
Age: 14
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blackish/Brown
Skin Color: White
House: Slytherin
Pets: None
Father: David Wilde
Mother: Claire Wilde
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Patronus: Fox

Stephanie (Prefers to be called Stevie) is the youngest member of Siren and is the niece of Severus Snape. Her mother is a witch that married an abusive muggle so she eventually became underneath her uncle's custody. Stevie has quite the attitude and is a mischief maker, but she also has an incredible heart and can't stand bullying. So much so that she's willing to risk detention to stand up to the bullies.

Carla (Carly or Cece) Charlotte Clark
Age: 16
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: White
House: Gryffindor
Pets: Orange striped cat named Pumpkin
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Blood Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Cat
Animagus: Cat

Carly is the lead singer of Siren and Stevie's longest friend. Like Stevie she can't stand bullies and she is always willing to give her advice and help her out with her hexes. ;)

Jasmine Lillian Long
Age: 17
Hair Color: Light-Blonde
Eye Color: Light-Blue
Skin Color: White
House: Ravenclaw
Pets: Black cat named Midnight
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Siblings: Justin along with two unknown sisters
Blood Status: Mixed
Patronus: Horse

Jasmine is the oldest member of Siren along with being the older sister of Justin Long from The Dragons. She's very determined and has a stubborn personality. Especially when it comes down to helping out her friends and other people in need. :)
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