The Evening Star (The Dragon Prince)

(With the help of 'Callum's Spellbook' I can jot some accurate information)

Full Name: Wǎn xīng
Alias/Nickname: Wǎnjiān or Xīng. Sometimes this is difficult to say for the humans or other Xadians, so he'd rather go by Milos (meaning Favor in Greek).
Birthday: December 21st
Year: --
Age: Unknown
Race: Startouch Elf - Xadian
Height: 6'0", 6'5" with the horns (182 cm, 195cm with horns)
Weight: Very light
Hair color: Smoky black - turns white when using primal magic
Eye color: Bright green

Attire: Unlike other Startouch Elves, the attire Milos wears is not that in accordance to his race, infact, he wears Moonshadow Elf clothing! He isn't an assassin, but he's been trained to fight and thus has earned the assassin clothing; the black hood that cascades into a cape, the inside a deep green, and the black and green clothing, along with a silver chestplate and a small lotus pendant made my Ethari. You could definitely catch him fiddling with his waist cape a lot.

Markings: While the most noticeable thing about being a Startouch Elf is the star upon his chest and the dew-dappled star freckles on his cheeks, Milos skintone betrays that of a Startouch Elf, and some would say he has a ratber human skintone, to which the Moonshadow Elf markings he was given once approved by them all stand out. He has one that goes across the bridge of his nose, and two that frame the top of his eyelids and the corner of his eyes.

Any complexs?: He has a slight superiority complex, but people brush it off as him being a sore loser.

Skills: Star, Moon, and Earth primal magic. Working on Ocean and Sky, but there seems to be no hope for him when it comes to Sun magic. Blade work and archery skills. His favourites are the butterfly blades that turn into a bow, just like Runaan's. You could say that Runaan gave him the affirming nod to get them made. He can also cook, he's no chef, but it's a fun hobby of his. Moonberry jam anyone?

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush/partner: All them Elves lookin' mighty fine if you ask him.

Affilitation: Moonshadow Elves

Family: The Moonshadow Elves are his family :)))
Especially Runaan and Ethari.

And Rayla but she won't admit it okay.

Relationships: He has a pretty fine reputation with those in Silvergrove (Rayla's village)

Friends: Always willing to make friends.

Likes: Doing magic, training, being accepted to go on missions with everyone, making things, and dancing.

Dislikes: The war between humans and Elves, why can't everyone just be.. happy?

Personality: Milos is always eager to serve, to which his given name, Favor, was brought in. Milos would rather spend time training and reading a book than adventuring, so when the Elves were sent on a mission to kill the King of Katolis, Milos had stayed home. Though, he had grew incredibly suspicious and left as well. Perhaps that was the worrier part of his personality shining through.

Past: When Milos was young, he was born to two Startouch Elves, to which were killed by the Dragon King Avizandum for also participating in Dark Magic. They had held an Elf by the name of 'Aaravos' up on a high podium, Milos had grown up with that very same Elf, and while he was sent to Silvergrove for his own protection, it has been Milos' true goal to free Aaravos from the mirror, and he's sure the Key of Aaravos is the correct way to go about it. But just where is that key? And where is the mirror?
It would seem that everything that Milos has done was only a façade. He's a trickster, he's cunning and sly and knows just how to get what he wants. But he's also a great actor and it's hard to tell what's a lie and what isn't.

"Xadia is beautiful, but so is the land of the humans. Let's see it together one day."

"I don't have time for bothersome things like 'love'. It will only slow me down.. and get everyone hurt in the process.."

"I guess you could say I'm a jack-of-all trades, huh?"

"The Moon Nexus is so beautiful, I wish everyone could of seen it in its prime days..."

(Reference of drawing coming soon)
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