The Polymons Virus (lore for zombie apoc rp)

The Polymons virus or the Polymons cure as its known by its developer Doctor Robert a chemical agent created from various strains of human DNA, Animal DNA and plant DNA with genetic manipulation to create a vaccine to cure diseases such as Aids, Ebola and even Cancer! trials were promising and all seemed well...all test subjects were recovering rapidly and were showing signs of full recovery when a specific test subject, One Anthony Reynolds suddenly clutched their chest and had a heart attack. The body was taken away and all seemed normal but when the coroners went to dissect and determine the cause of death...Anthony was alive! He leaps up from the dissection table and looked over at the doctors "I'm alive!" he said with a smile on his face, he was dying of a brain tumour and it seemed to have vanished! Terrified but also amazed, they showed Anthony off to the media! the first pure success, not only did the cure get rid of disease but it reversed death!

The press were Amazed and the project was given a full go ahead by the UN and United states government...however when a mortal plays God...and when you try to fix things that are not supposed to be fixed...things go wrong. Less then a day later, Anthony had gone missing! He had escape Government officials and one of the personal who was helping him, had been bitten on the neck and was showing signs of illness. When they found Anthony, Doctor Polymon was shocked to see his patient had degraded horrifically! His skin was grey, rotted and his eyes were lifeless and dead. Anthony screamed so loud it almost ruptured Doctor Polymons ears and as soon as it was done screaming, it rushed at Polymon and tried to kill him! He was shot several times, not a single bullet did any harm until they shot it in the head killing it finally.

Doctor Polymon rushed back to his labs to discover every patient of his had now become exactly the same as Anthony! In an effort to end the mistakes he made, his terminated all the test subjects...but he had no idea that Anthony in fact had bitten several people on his little rampage. As Doctor Polymon sat at his desk, unknown to the fact that the very same personal who was helping Anthony and in fact was bitten was right behind him...the man bit into Roberts neck and severed the artery's killing him instantly!

It is at this exact point, the outbreak began and a state of emergency was put into effect! The US military believed they had it in control...until they realised all the test subjects that were infected by Polymons serum had not in fact been terminated, they had evolved! Growing extra appendages and a thick callous like shell over their skin and faces to prevent extensive damage to the vital organs! They were evolving but how!

Well it is a possibility these first infected, are in fact a hive mind meaning that when Anthony was killed his experiences was transmitted into the other test subjects making them able to evolve to the situation!

Symptoms include when bitten (first 12 hours)
Coughing blood
spitting blood
excessive mucus build up in the throat and nasal passages
Intense feeling of heat and warmth when in fact you are deathly cold
Finger nails and skin falling off in random places
Eyes becoming bloodshot and infected looking

Symptoms for final stages of infection (last 12 hours)
Intense itching sensation under skin
Skin and tissue on body starts to decompose and die
Gums start to rot and bleed and teeth may fall out and be replaced with sharp canine like teeth
Intense urge to eat other human beings
Reanimation and return as an undead

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1 | Aug 14th 2019 02:20
NapalmKnight The first infected (test subjects) are called Reapers and are extremely difficult to harm unlike their counterpart...the zombies whom are easily killed with blunt trauma to the head or a bullet.