
Song and some other people were escorted to the yard of the Temple of Shii in Xhuanghen. They aren't all Avatars, but also Imperial Assassins, Imperial Defenders, Elite Guards and other super units from other countries, all having the same purpose.

After a brief time of wait, the Priestess of Shii goes to stand in front of all the present. "The reason you were brought here is simple: we need four powerful teams to contrast the nation's teams, during the Power Games of this year.
Since the High Priesthoods established that each team will be added one champion among the Avatars of the Gods, this year's games require a more brutal and powerful opposing team, to be able to increase the difficulty.
Although all of the Avatars so far are from Xhuanghen, some of them were sent to join the other nation's teams too.
All of you, men and women, northern and western, southern and eastern, have one only purpose: make them lose. Measures will be taken so that you won't be able to privilege anyone, nor any nation. From this moment on, you will have to consider yourselves contry-less, like us priests. You won't be able to meet or interact with the champions outside the games. Your role is sacred and you can't fail it. Questions?"
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1 | Aug 12th 2019 08:10
Memory "Maybe you should hire someone to keep an eye around your place, like other serial killers who will kill the serial killers coming for you!"
He nods. "Agreed, but it's very common, especially among nobles. They seem convinced that their titles put them.on a position such to be above other people. Almost as if they were some sort of Gods themselves."
He raises a thumb and grins. "Clearly!"
He is getting an even more twisty thought about this orgy. "Did it happen in a dungeon maybe? I've heard there were of such events in some.places..."
He approaches the beds and places his backpack on the one on the left. They are identical, both against the wall on opposite side and with a window between. "They want us to wash all together like we were animals!" he complains, very annoyed.
Memory "A she-guard? Maybe you should take her as a wife and get two birds with one stone." Winks.
His eyes so widen at his words. "You saw the Gods? With your own eyes? For real?" he gasps. "What are they really like?" Not a devoted boy, but sure curious.
"I just thought it was one of those events, you know, all dark, many men, no identifies..." He shrugs. "But better if it wasn't so. Those are probably full of prostitutes and other not recommendable people."
He frowns. "I hate it! Don't they think some could feel disturbed, although we are all men? Do they really think only opposite genders feel uneasy to get their clothes off?"
Memory "Oh! But she is just one, in Xhuanghen we don't have a shortage of women, you will surely find another of your likings without too many difficulties."
He covers his mouth with hand in surprise. "I didn't think it was possible, how did you get in there? Was it a dream? Woh... I wish I could have experienced something like that too, it must have been mystical!"
He raises his hands. "My mistake. Now you must think I'm a serious perv, to even know about such things. But in truth I am not. Even if I know they exist, I've never been to such places." But can't say he didn't consider to try, attracted by the whole 'darkness thing'.
"I'll see what I can do..." It makes him even too nervous but he hopes Song will just think he is shy. There is no way he can take his clothes off without letting everyone know the truth.
Memory "Could it be that in truth, you don't really want to get married, at least yet? I struggle to believe you find it hard to find a wife, actually, I find it impossible. You must not be searching hard."
He remains thoughtful at his words. "It was nice of her. I didn't think Shii was the type with that kind and caring side." He wishes he had found Mijhatev with them, but at the time he wasn't an Avatar yet. He became added Aquamarine died.
"I don't consider myself perverted, ani. You do? You can say, I don't judge." It's not that he isn't interested in sex, just he doesn't think he can possibly do it.
Feels even more 'trapped' than before. "Sounds good..." Now only thinking how he can escape it. XD
Memory "Keep your eyes well open, there are even women among us, just on the opposite side." He winks.
"It must be a big privilege, to be the favourite son of a goddess. No wonder you feel so special." His family was pretty normal towards him, before the 'coming out'. "I don't doubt it. It must be the kind of event that changes your life completely and maybe your whole point of view."
He shrugs. "I don't think that liking sex means being a perverted. You'd have to be kind of obsessed by it, only looking at other people as potential fuck toys than actual people."