The Hidden Princess

Name: Mina Icewater
Age :
Species : female
Gender: female
Occupation: Hidden princess
Weapon : dual blades and a bow for long distance
Specialization: Rouge
Powers:Shadow, water, ice, air, lightning, fire, wood, earth manipulation. Telepathy. Flight. Animal communication
Relationship : Unknown
Love interests : None yet
(Unavailable for romantic role play )

Bio: Mina was born in secret, given to the Fern Tribe of the elves in her mother’s kingdom that wandered the lands. She was blonde like her Aunt but had her mother’s blue eyes and her father’s powers over all the elements. It was decided she would take over her father’s kingdom before she was born, but darkness fell over both her parent’s kingdoms and she had to be hidden. Her mother was seven months pregnant when she went to the elves and told them what they needed to know. They agreed to raise her and teach her to use her powers. She was a skilled rogue with deadly power of all the known elements. She inherited her mother’s shapeshifter Nightshade and he stayed by her side always. She was visited by Cosenta often and learned politics and negotiation from her as well as the leader of her elven tribe, she witnessed a man covered in shadows murdering her mother. She ran and had fallen off a cliff. She has memory fragments of that night but not enough to know who murdered her mother and identify him. She knows she has an older brother at the palace, and a little sister, hidden like she is. She waits for the day where she can make things right and bring her family together

Playby : Mila Kunis
(Don't steal my character please)
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1 | Jul 5th 2019 00:53
Smoke_An_Mirrors Yeah but she's unavailable for romantic roleplay