Check on.

He indeed went to meet that person at midnight... after that, he basically disappeared for two whole days, without leaving track nor giving any news to anyone about where he was or what he was doing.
During the night of the second day, he finally returns to TOP's home. It's pretty late night, he waited on purpose that long before entering inside, hoping that there would be nobody still awake, least of all TOP himself.

He jumps over the gate and teleports right in front of the door inside, since he doesn't have the keys of that place and doesn't want to drag attention by ringing the bell or burglaring the lock.
Once in, he slowly limps towards the closest bathroom, leaving a trail of blood behind. Not much he could do about that, he is pretty much entirely covered in blood, most of which his own.

Reached the bathroom, he doesn't even close the door and just falls on his knees, taking off the ripped clothes still 'stiched' to his body. There, he starts to pull out the bullets from his body, with bare hands, as he has always done.
He gets it done pretty fast, regardless of the terrible pain.
Clinging to the sink, he stands up and pushes himself to walk towards the shower, but falls and simply crawls inside of it, where he opens the cold water and remains under it, not even taking off all of the clothes, just the top.
Heart this
1 | Jun 20th 2019 12:18
Onibugi "I was joking, do you know what a joke is?" He blinks. He misses his Gamja who always gets his jokes or insults <3
"Would it be ok for you if people thought that you... err..." He can't find a female body part that could be worth to them as much as a dick is worth to males. "Uhm..." Bugs °-°
"In Xhuanghen... well, I'm a jobless and my husband provides for me. He earns enough for both." Like 50 shades of grey but he ain't a bimbaminkia.
"You also inherited the swearings from him, you both use the same ones, creative about them too." He nods. He estimates them for it.
He snorts. "I can't cook though." Can't even light a fornacella.
BangSul "I am not good at jokes, it is a social skill so it is obvious. I can't be good." She is too serious and not enough that kind of wench.
She raises an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish the sentence. "That you were 36 years old virgin?" Just making an example. "It is not true though and not even ashaming. Let's pass.
You...are married to a Xhuanghen?" Her eyes widen. "Not even here humans achieved it in all countries. They give you problems?
Ah, right. I was wondering why I got this talent in creating new swearing words.
I don't think restaurants are still open. We might have to find a market and buy some insta food."
Onibugi "You are all your father."
He shakes his head. "Aniyo, that'd be QinShi, and he seems to be even proud about it." He wouldn't say that outloud, with Liang lurking.
He nods. "Some really hate it, also because of the fact my husband is an important man. But now that Jeonha forced all Sacred Blood to take a male consort, the number of homophobic jokes and insults has dropped badly." Since all the homophobes can happily be gay.
He snorts. "I have an idea, though..." Western Earth, he finally found a use for it!!
BangSul She raises an eyebrow. "He has almost no friends and lacks social skills?
QinShi? A man? I am not saying he can't be proud but men are usually the most interested...
Jeonha did such a thing? It's...I didn't expect it. It is amazing, I just think people should stop giving a shit about what others do with their lives." When it comes to love and not dangerous things.
What idea?" She tilts her head. She is already getting to think they are going out again to go to a market store.
Onibugi "I'm not sure he has any friend at all, he has a twin brother though, does he count?" But he has crushes.
"It's our nature, we must be so, also to make sure our authority of males doesn't get damaged." Uhm...
He shrugs. "Paradoxically, I've not seen a single homophobe complain about that edict." LianBi did it only to test if what they say about homophobes is true. And it turned out to be true.
"What time is it right now in Scotland? Do you have a phone? It must be morning..." Scottish breakfast, sausages and beans... and eggs, and pancakes...