Bad Mood

In these years, it is not that she remained stuck, thinking about Liang. She had a small crush, he was her friend too, but now she doesn't think about it anymore.
She had some stories and dates but they were all very short. She doesn't understand why, but she doesn't get that kind of feelings for a boy, not even close to love and it is somehow frustrating. She doesn't manage to get tied deeply, or just like them enough.
The Avatar of Sethi that can't love? - she thinks, baffled at herself - they are all happy, with their boyfriends. They are not even similar types but they are fine anyway. Why BaeBee and Noriyori can have such awesome boyfriends and I can't? Ye, I am jealous...why can't anything go well to me? There would be any point in using my powers for this too?

Yes, she is jealous, sad, frustrated. She thinks that maybe it would have been better to stay Priestess. It would have been better than her lack of that kind of feelings or the break ups as soon as they find out who is her father.

After work, she doesn't go home but in a tavern in the city. She enters and starts to drink on her own till late evening. She crawls at home then, half drunk.
It is starting to happen every evening.
Heart this
1 | May 13th 2019 18:51
Arran He'd call it karma. Te-eh!