Soul Gem

Vormir. That's where they have to go to retrive one of the gems they still need.
After proper rest, she prepares herself to go there but without warning the others, overconfident she can do everything on her own. She doesn't easily team up, it is clear by now.
She walks outside, followed by the book. In the gardens, she starts to make the portal for Vormir, at the correct timing.
Florian ends up going with her, even if she acts displeased and cold at it, still wanting to behave like a wench.
She remains silent most of the time while on the way to the top but at the sudden arrival of Red Skull, she takes her schythe. As he makes all the explainations though, she lowers it and follows him.

Only when on top, Red Skull finally says what it takes to earn the Gem. Give away something they love.
She is stunned and surprised to know but she hurries to say. " I'll do it!" Of course though, it is impossible to convince them who should do it. They struggle to prevent each other from doing it but eventually Noriyori freezes Florian and after a last glance, she jumps down. She dies, breaking her head and bones.
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1 | May 7th 2019 07:53
Memory "I see. Then I guess that's what they made Avatars for, after all, to have someone powerful enough but not too much. But not even you can monitor the whole universe, can you? This threat came from far away, that Thanos probably didn't even know of the existence of our world, he just snapped his fingers and erased half of its people..." He glances at the others as they start to gather.
Hudie "Is that so? I had no idea. I know so little of what it means to be Avatar, unlike you, hyung-nim." He says to Liang.

Liang only looks embarassed at Tero's words and tries to ignore them. "No one would be able... maybe it is just much better to get rid of the gems, once it is all brought back to normal. Having such powerful items... it just scares me."
He too gives them a glance. "Which of us will use the gems?"

Fatthor raises his hand. "I'll do, I'll do, I am the only God here, I fear no one of you would survive it!"
Memory "I won't get involved in what will be of those gems. I know my place." Of poor guy who should be panicking curled up in a corner and not be in the front line of the action. He is an ass, lot a badass.
He looks at Thor as he offers himself. "Aniyo!" he almost shouts, thinking he is way to drunk to do anything right.

Hulk. "Only I can, Thanos almost died when used the infinity gems so what chance would anyone else have? Only.i can't die. Plus, the gamma rays and all, it's kinda my thing."
Hudie "Aniyo!" He says almost at the same time as Florian. Seriously, he was sure Thor would have been the sexiest but apparently he was wrong...
"If you are going to do it, make sure to bring back even Noriyori..." Just to be sure, since she was not directly killed by Thanos with the Infinity Gems.
He looks at Hulk...nodding. "Ye, ahjussi. You should be doing it." As long as it is not depressed, drunkard.
Memory Hulk. "Yeah, I'll bring her back here too." They help him to wear the glove and after an initial shock, due to the enormous amount of power channeled, he wavers but eventually snaps his fingers. And Heyzo appears among them, naked a land horny.