
T Tree's Songs.
Ballad of Tea Tree.
Music: Ballad by T. Treeston
Once I was a little seedling, now, I am growing.
Once I was a weakling, now, I am fighting.
I am Tea Tree! More, I can see!
I am Tea Tree! I cannot pee!
I am Tea Tree! I am growey!
I am Tea Tree! I'm, in reality, very wee.
I was a little seedling, now, I'm growing!
I was a weakling, yet, I'm fighting!

I am Tea Tree and you can see that I am Wee and Free, I am a little tree.

We're Not Hypocrites by Tea Tree, Rasin Vin, Technical Machine, Dark Cobra, Electric Enforcer, Storm Soldier, Flaming Bullet, Sunrise, Spirit Soldier, Spirit Guardian, Great Snowman, Kawaii Yuki Non'onoko, Soyatupi, and, Mermaiden.
Music: Ballad by T.Treeston

We're not hypocrites, we don't kill; we're not hypocrites, blood we don't spill.
The law is flawed o'er, we shall give or-der.
We're not hypocrites, we do not larcen; we're not hypocrites, we don't larcen
The law is flawed o'er, we shall give or-der.
We're not hypocrites, we do not accuse; we're not hypocrites, we don't abuse.

Music: Trans-species by T. Treeston
Hi! You are a lion, I can see you ain't lyin', I ain't denying you are a dandy lion!
I can can also see see you are are Trans-species!
You are Trans-species, how did you get this way? Oh! Don't tell me, please!
I also sees that you are the only person you are trying to please by being....
You could rip me into piecies, because...
You are Transpecies!
(Choir sings)

TRANSPECIES, you are are transpesies, you are a lion. I know you ain't lyin'.
TRANSPECIES, you are are transpesies, you are a lion. I know you ain't denyin'.

TRANSPECIES, you are are transpesies, you are a lion. I know you ain't lying.

Great Lion (speaking): D'n't ya 've ya sh'rt o't ya tran'ies

T Tree (with choir) : Don't mind that!
You lick your own feces, because, you are transpesies.
I will sail across the seas if I sees you lickin' your Cat's-knees!
What you bees, is transpesies!

{The Seven Elements}
Music: The Spirit of God by William W Phelps.

The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
The Spirit of God is like a fire burning! Latter-day glory begins to come forth; The visions and blessings of old are returning, angels are coming to the Earth.

We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven, hosanna hosanna to God and the Lamb. Let glory to them in the highest be giv'n henceforth and forever, amen and amen.

The Lord is extending the Saints' understanding,
Restoring their judges and all as at first,
The knowledge and power of God is extending;
The vail o'er the Earth is beginning to burst.

We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven, hosanna hosanna to God and the Lamb. Let glory to them in the highest be giv'n henceforth and forever, amen and amen.

We call in our solemn assemblies in spirit,
To spread forth the Kingdom of heaven abroad,
That in our faith begin to inherit the full blessings and glories of God.

We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven, hosanna hosanna to God and the Lamb. Let glory to them in the highest be giv'n henceforth and forever, amen and amen.

How blessed the day the lamb and the lion shall lie together without any ire, and Ephraim shall be crowned with his blessings in Zion, as Jesus decends on his chariot of fire!

We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven, hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb! Let glory in the highest to them be giv'n henceforth and forever, amen and amen.

{The Four Seasons}


Music: Spring by Vivaldi.
Through all my safisication, I cannot make a reforestnation; because I cannot make it stay.
Through all my safisication, I cannot make a reforestnation; because I cannot make it play.
I have anticipation for the reforestnation, which I an-tici-pa-ate to make.
I will not let a dehydration stop my reforestnation, lest I fall and die.

(music continues)

I have made my reforestation, now, I can make my reforestnation, to let them survive and live.

(Music continues)

I do not care about their mol-estation, I will make my reforestnation, lest th-ey tr-y.

(Music continues)

Behold my reforestnation, after all the anticipation, I have d-one the thing.

(Music continues)

I have finished my reforestnation, I will view my recreation with love and so much care.

(Music continues)

My train has left its station, and I am moving another nation. I will stay-- there.
I will stay in my nation, it is not an overestimation because I have made it.

(Music continues)

Oh, the degradation of my reforestation, my work here is not do______ne.

(Music continues)

{Queen of Fire}
Music: Summer
The Sun and I are one.
The Sun and I keep the spirits high.
The Sun, it keeps the world warm and safe fro-m the dark and cold sno-w.
It gives the warmth when we have none.
The Sun gives warmth to all those under it,
the sun and I warm you all.
We were made for all earth to enjoy.

Now, we turn up the heat and acknowledge that I am no longer a babe at a teat, I am on the high seat. I am the last Queen of Fire. My Kingdom is asunder, I live down under. In the ground, I am sound and there is no one to bother me. I am free from the hypocrisy, until you emptied me. Look in the flames and you will see my babes, look in the sky and the light in the waves.
Oh, I create the Summer's babe and bring it one more time with this heat sublime. When I create Summer, I promise you, I am no mummer. I am the last Dragonborn and I will not scorn.
I am the Queen of Fire. I will not yet let this effort lay to rest, not until I give Summer to the globe's men, woman, children and babies. I will give no maybes, I am the Queen of Fire; the last daughter of the dragon. The mother's warmth I will give to you, the world will see my due. The warmth I will give to you will see what I want to do. I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am no liar!

The Sun and I are born of flame, the former came after the Earth was born; the latter came after the girl birthed the dragonseed and has came every Seventy-three-thousand suns. And fire birthed with her, and fire birthed with her. Oh, let fire birth her, the dragonborn. The girl with her father's heat and her mother's wa___rmth, let her warm your breast with her song and make you warm again. Let her warm your breast with her song and make you warm again. And make you warm again, oh shall the fire burn inside you and make you warm again! The Queen of Fire, born from the dragon, and restoring their world anew.
Let her warm your breast with her song and make you warm again. And make you warm again, oh shall the fire burn inside you; restoring their world anew.

I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am the sire! I am the daughter of the dragon, I am draggin' the world into a new flame! Inside you and I, we all have the heat of the dragon's eye.
I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am the sire! I am the daughter of the dragon, I am draggin' the world into a new flame! Inside you and I, we all have the heat of the dragon's eye.

The sun and I are the world, and we have flame hurl'd.
We burn, and heat giv'n. We go up inside you and warm you inside. We go up inside you and warm you inside. We all live and die with flame, we live and die with the sun. Let her lick inside you and warm you from the dragon's blessings, Let her lick inside you and warm you from the dragon's blessings and we shall see who shall be the dragon's chosen three. The dragon's chosen three, we shall see what summer will birth from me. Oh, summer 's grace is endless. The world shall be heated once again, when we all understand what summer will birth from me.

I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am no liar! I am the daughter of the dragon, I am draggin' the world into a new flame! Inside you and I, we all have the heat of the dragon's eye.
I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am the sire! I am the daughter of the dragon, I am draggin' the world into a new flame! Inside you and I, we all have the heat of the dragon's eye. We all have the heat of the dragon's eye.

The flame burns inside you, licking you!
I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am the sire!
The flame burns inside you, licking you from the inside.
Licking you, kissing you, dragonflame kissing every being.
Purity, you are seeing,
I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am the sire!
The flame burns summer's breast, the dragon's breath.
Summer's will will be known by all, once the song is told.
The flame burns inside the eye of the dragon.
The flame burns inside the eye of the dragonborn.
The flame burns inside me!
Summer will birth you, summer will birth the dragonborn.
Dance of summer's hot breath.
The dance of the dragonborn will be nigh.
The faith of the Dragonborn will reunite her with her father
Born of ash,
Burning the moonshine,
Drinking in the moon's shine.
The Queen of Fire born,
Dragonborn of the dragon's magic.
I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am the sire!

(Music continues)

Born of ash,
Burning the moonshine,
Drinking in the moonshine.
The Queen of Fire born,
Dragonborn of the dragon's magic.
I am the Guardian of Fire, and I am the sire!

(Music continues)

Music: Autumn

Winds are blowing, winds are howling, winds are calling, the storm is brewing inside me.
Winds are swirling, winds are whistling, winds are screaming, the clouds are swirling inside me.
The storm is thundering inside.
What I denied
Is the winds blowing, the leaves rustling , the thunder thundering. The storm shocking in ejaculation.
The birds singing, the leaves falling, the firey colour, the leaves blowing around.
Winter's Last Breath
Music: Winter by Vivaldi
The Snow, it burns, the snow through Winter's turns.
The Snow, it blows, the Snow; it knows.
The Snow, it goes, the snow, it brings frost blows.
The Snow, death it delivers, the snow; it gives shivers.
The Snow, it brings life, the snow brings strife.
The Snow, it is horrid, the snow is morbid.
The Snow knows death, it knows no mercy in its breath.
The Winter's Last Breath brings shivers at your breast, at its best, it can bring de-ath.

Flying Trapeze by George Lebourne, Performed by Jest King

Brother and Brother, Like Bread and Butter. You're My Pickle and I'm Your Salad, We Work Hard But We Don't Know How To Sell It.
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0 | Feb 21st 2019 05:45