Mike Nesmith

Full Name: Robert Michael Nesmith

Nicknames: Wool-hat, Nez, (Mike-if that counts; technically not his actual name)

Birthday: December 30th

Age: 24 (could depend on the rp)

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Houston, Texas

Mother’s name and occupation: Bette Nesmith Graham; invented liquid paper

Father’s name and occupation: Warren Nesmith; unknown

Siblings: None

Family relationship: Raised by (and very close to) his mother; father left in his childhood



Height: 6’2-ish

Weight: Average for that height probably

Build: Thin; Lanky

Nationality: United States-ian

Complexion: Fairly tan

Hair color: Very dark brown

Eye color: Brown

Body modifications: None

Habits/Addictions: Occasional drug use



Likes: Country/folk music, skateboards, cars, Dave Davies, dogs, cowboy hats, sunglasses, guitars, shooting ranges, making people confused

Dislikes: Being called wool-hat, cigarettes, conceited people, being told what to do, T.V shows (lol)

Positive traits: Quick/clever, humorous, intelligent, ambitious, hard-working, responsible, wise, compassionate, “charming”

Negative traits: Arrogant, insecure/unsure of himself, selfish and/or controlling at times, moody, stubborn, hypocritical at times
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0 | Sep 18th 2018 23:23