My Hero Academia USA - Class 1-A, Seat No. 3

Name: Emily Radford
Gender: Female
Age: 16-19
Height: 5’1”
Eye color: Orange
Hair Color: Brown (Dark Green Highlights)
Birthday: 30 June
Birthplace: Texas
Ethnicity: Mexican American
Blood Type: A-
Personality: Enthusiastic, Joyful, Immature
Likes: Trampolines and Flowers
Dislikes: Sweets

Hero Name: Cricket Hero - Jump Girl
Quirk: Orthoptera
Type: Mutant
Range: Long Range (Jumping)
Description: Emily’s Quirk gives her the abilities of an insect of the Orthoptera genus (More specifically a Cricket), this gives her a wide variety of abilities such as enhanced senses from the feelers on her forehead, thick dermal armor what can act as armor against most light attacks and a pair of insect legs what allow her to take massive leaps into the air.

A downside to Emily’s unique biology is that she has the same appetite of a cricket, with her needing to eat large quantities of food to be in peak condition otherwise her abilities will be drastically weakened.

Equipment: On Emily's Costume belt there are several compartments what contain a numerous quantity of food pills, these pills are mostly filled with adrenaline and other chemicals what allow Emily to keep up her energy and hold her appetite back temporarily


Power: 3/5 (C)
Speed: 3/5 (C)
Technique: 5/5 (A)
Intelligence: 1/5 (E)
Cooperativeness: 4/5 (B)

TOTAL: 3.2/5 (C)
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1 | Aug 27th 2018 14:34