
Their first battle in Chi Feng's squad doesn't late to arrive, just, it is not what they were expecting.
Khai was told by Sao, but he didn't have the time to speak with Chi of this, due to the fact he is currently fighting hard with So's squad against the Tai's and Leung's men who attacked their camp in a double assault.

Choi feels ready, in truth, he was feeling worse tension before the start than when the fight actually begun.
He is mainly fighting with his katana, even though he is also carrying two smaller jian swords with him, which are definitely his favorite weapons choice, which he is leaving for when they will cut the enemies' numbers.

Heart this
0 | Nov 28th 2015 15:28
Junn He smiles widely and shakes his head. «You don't need to repay anyone, her safety is all that matters, no man has lied a finger on her.
The war wasn't will of any of us. The nobles chose to be at war and the north knows it. They will help us, to build a peaceful future for the entire world.»
Junn «Of course! She is in a beautiful mansion now, with wonderful people...in Shadowmoor.
We will make the East as good as the North!»
Junn «A friend of ours pretended to buy her just to bring her to safety.
I know...it couldn't fall lower than this...it just couldn't...»
Junn He looks down as well, it truly grieves him to hear this things, it's something terrible. «I am really sorry...but sadly, all we can do now is fight to make sure this horror will end for everyone...»
Junn He nods. «I will do my best to teach you all that was taught to me, yes. But you need to rest and heal, first.»