
In the last years, he has lived a rather wonderful life thanks to Dorian and his family. Despite everything, he really had no problems in the North, he felt good and relaxed like never before.
This until his 21st, when some new feelings started to spread in him. When he met Chi Feng back in the party in the East where they all went, he learnt about what they are fighting for, their struggles and brave sacrifices for a better East. The same cause his whole family died for. While being underaged, he could ignore this as he would be not be allowed to join any sort of real fight, but now...how could he just stay safe in the North where nothing can touch him, while his brothers in the East are dying for their country and his father's ideals? He must join them, he knows and feels this, he is ready, Sao has been preparing him for this for all this time, without ever mentioning it, he is not afraid to die for what he believes. There is onyl one thing that troubles him and restrains him from just make the decision and go: Scheireen.

He is deeply in love with her, for real. He doesn't want to leave her...the only thing that worries him to die there is to lose her forever, leaving her absolutely nothing more than a broken heart. For that, the only solution he sees to be able to go there with some more peace in his heart would be to marry Shi before leaving for the East. And he thinks it's impossible and undoable. She is just 17 and to what he knows, underaged people can't get married no matter what. Not to mention that her mother would never, ever give her blessing to them considering how badly she hates Eastern men. Plus Edward does not look like an especially understanding man. And least but not last, she is Sao great-niece. How could he even have the guts to ask them Scheireen's hand? The very thought makes him feel a little sick.
And his undecision makes quite some mess in their plans. He has to go there and fight, he has to prove himself, Chi himself has to recognize him as his Emperor and convince him to be that. But if Choi doesn't go to fight in the East, everything will be screwed up.

One thing that is not very known, since in the North only selected, trained soldier joining the army out of their free will are sent to fight, is an old *exception law, for what concerns marriage common laws. Back in the times when the army wasn't organized like the modern one is, and when draft in case of wars was still a thing, this specific exception law was made in order to grant young in-love boys to go to fight with a lighter heart and more motivation to go back, by granting them to get married with their beloved without undergoing the typical laws.
According to this law, if a boy is to go to fight in circumstances that might potentially cause his death, even if the bride is underage (only if she be older than 16 and the groom being no older than 30) the wedding could be authorized by a royal special granting.
In other words, if a young man is going to a mission that will potentially get him killed, he has the right to bring the matter to the King and beg him for a special granting in order to be married before leaving. That way, if the man dies, all of his belongings will also be given to the young widow rather than someone else or get lost.
{{{Johnny knows of this law}}}

Right now, Choi looks rather thoughtful and depressed, training by himself in their home's garden, under the rain.
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1 | Nov 23rd 2015 11:43
Junn He gives him a very shocked expression as he says "we". «W-we? You...want to join the fight as well?»
He looks pretty sad about this matter and it's very evident. «If I go...I will probably never see Scheireen again...if I will die on the battlefield, I will not have been able to leave anything to her...of our love...»
Junn «No, of course I wouldn't mind...it would be very reassuring...I just don't want you to risk your life...I don't deserve that much...»
He knows very well. «If it was possible I would have loved to marry her before going...so that we will be bound, even if I died...but I don't see it possible...»
Junn «You mean...that His Majesty could grant us to get married despite her age?» It sure gives him a spark of hope again.
«I-I know...I will...try to speak to her...»
Junn O.O «N-no...I mean, I don't want her to lie to her family and act on their back...I don't want them to be our enemies...I really...wish them to accept me...I fear she could be denied..»
Junn He makes a slight smile at his first words.
«Your opinion matters a lot to me...»