親愛なる回顧録 April 26th, 2018

I walk a walk that is not meant to exist anymore.

I live a life, that has been erased from the existence.

And at some point, I see things and people who-


I walk a walk. I live a life.

I walk a walk.

I live.

These are the points, that are to be of highest importance.

I am soaring through a dead sea. But it doesn't feel bad or wrong.

From the very beginning, it was meant to be like this I suppose.

I loved.

I was loved.

I loathed.

I was loathed.

I feared.

I was feared.

There's so much, I must remember. Because, God tell me now.

If I don't, who will?

This is not something to be passed.

And God, tell me-

why am I the only one left?

And why did I become the universal tool for carrying everything that has been put on my shoulders, and planted into my mind?

I'll be waiting for the answer, even though I know you won't answer me.

It's worth my time, I know.
Heart this
5 | Apr 26th 2018 20:42