Cecilia Halla

Full Name: Cecilia Kivi Halla
Alias/Nickname: Celly, Celica, Kiwi
Birthday: November 10th
Year: 1996
Age: 22
Race: Finnish
Height: 5'4
Weight: 101
Body Type: Small, not much muscule, but her brain makes up for it.
Hair color: Blue with yellow tips
Eye color: Blue

With her hair always up in a ponytail and her goggles on her head, it makes for easy access to slip them on her face when using a blow torch. She always has a small backpack on her shoulders which somehow carry various parts within it, on top of her pack rests a map, in which are marked red X's to show where she's travelled to (and of course if she gets lost..)
She wears a grey body suit along with a choker with a golden diamond hooked to it, the body suit for easy movement, the choker because it looked cute with her crop jacket. A giant belt rests on her hips in which a giant C is on it, which she says represents the first letter of her name, attached to the belt is a container, which she calls her 'Inspiration fuel'.
She also wears black knee high boots.

Any complexs?: Does calling all of her inventions her 'babies' count as possessiveness? (Lol)

Skills: Inventing anything, she can whip up anything with the smallest amount of parts.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Crush/partner: None.

Affilitation: A traveling inventor that happened to like staying and traveling with some scientists she met.

Family: None, she doesn't know them.

Relationships: N/A

Friends: N/A

Likes: Her inventions. Water, like pools, warmth, fuzzy and fluffy things, dogs, fluffy dogs (Like Chow Chow's)

Dislikes: When her inventions don't work, when it's really cold outside, extra work, no sleep, sitting around doing nothing.

Personality: Cecilia is an energetic inventor who likes to go around town and boast about her latest inventions, hoping to be scouted out by some major business, she doesn't have her eye set on cash, it's just the fact that she could see her inventions being used for something other than collecting dust. Cecilia is extremely smart, though if she doesn't care about what you're talking about she'll tune you out or it'll just go over her head, she'll know what you said, but won't take the time to store it in her brain.

Past: Growing up Cecilia had a love for the English language and wanted to be an author, though as soon as she got into Middle School and set her hands onto her very first invention (which the teacher made in Science for some odd reason) she knew that being an author wasn't the thing for her, and she persued her goal of wanting to be the greatest female inventor out there, to be known and to have her inventions noticed. She was a natural at inventing too, so she caught on quickly. After Cecilia graduated High School she left to go travel the world, knowing that College wouldn't have much for her besides Engineering, and as appeasing as that was she wanted to see the world as soon as she could. Then one day she ran into Luca and Jane when they were out in the park, she over heard them talking about their latest science mishap and how one of their Micropipette's broke as did their Centrifuge, which was Cecilia's opportunity, and she took it with a great force.

Quotes: "An inventor fails 999 times, and if /she/ succeeds once /she's/ in. /She/ treats /her/ failures simply as practice shots." - Charles F. Kettering (revised by Cecilia)

Face Claim: (*Cough* Human Internet Explorer *cough*)
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1 | Mar 30th 2018 04:47