Sentence starters inspired by horror movies.

‘ we should split up.’
‘ it was probably just the wind.’
‘ it’s probably nothing. just my / your imagination.’
‘ aw, come on! it’s just a silly game someone made to scare little kids. it’s not real.’
‘ did you see that? i think i saw something move…’
‘ wait here, i’m gonna go check it out.’
‘ i heard this place is haunted. let’s go have a look.’
‘ i feel safe here.’
‘ i don’t feel safe here.’
‘ i feel like there’s someone / something watching us.’
‘ hello? is somebody there?’
‘ there’s no signal on my phone. you?’
‘ my phone’s ( almost ) out of battery.’
‘ and there goes the flashlight. how are we gonna see anything now?’
‘ what happened? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.’
‘ RUN!’
‘ you’re scaring me.’
‘ if this is a joke, it’s not funny.’
‘ just stop, this isn’t funny anymore.’
‘ it’s not real. it’s not real!’
‘ i’m just dreaming… this is just a nightmare.’
‘ how about we DON’T go into a haunted place in the middle of the night? just a thought.’
‘ yeah, i’m NOT gonna follow a blood trail into a creepy dark place, thanks.’
‘ you know, when a sign reads ‘dangerous. keep out,’ i kind of want to listen to it.’
‘ the door opened up by itself. no way in hell i’m going in there!’
‘ yeah, i’ve watched enough horror movies to know that’s a terrible idea.’
‘ there’s no need to be afraid. it’s just a dream.’
‘ it’s waiting for you.’
‘ it’s just a dream, right? or is it?’
‘ so, now you’re afraid of the dark, yes?’
‘ you’re afraid to sleep?’
‘ i just don’t want to see them again.’
‘ i think they want to hurt me. to take my place.’
‘ i’m going to die.’
‘ you could scare the hell outta somebody.’
‘ i didn’t want her / him to suffer.’
‘ my god, are you serious? that’s crazy!’
‘ his / her face was all swollen and- and bruised, and bloody.’
‘ it was so scary. when i woke up, it seemed like it was still in the room with me.’
‘ it was the worst nightmare i’ve ever had.’
‘ there’s something out there, isn’t there?’
‘ they’re going to kill me for sure.’
‘ you were screaming like crazy.’
‘ it was dark, but i’m sure there was somebody in there.’
‘ i thought it was just another nightmare.’
‘ i don’t think you’re crazy.’
‘ you’ll never come back!’
‘ it’s got a death curse.’
‘ at least i’m not afraid of ghosts.’
‘ you’re doomed if you stay here.’
‘ it’s ten miles to the nearest crossroads.’
‘ we’ll be laughing about this tomorrow.’
‘ no, no! they’re all dead! they’re all dead!’
‘ don’t leave me! they’ll kill you too!’
‘ what monster could’ve done this?’
Heart this
18 | Oct 25th 2017 23:08
WILDHUNT If I was in a group, and a person in my group said the first line, I would've falcon-punched him right off the bat. Splitting up is a no-no in horror-ish scenarios. Yikes.