Alex Michaels (Angel)

Basic info~

First name: Alex
Middle name: Angel
Last name: Michaels
Nickname: Angel
Age: N/a
Gender: Female
Personality: N/a
Species: Angel
Occupation: Assassin/Hunter
Loves: Nature and excerise
Likes: Fighting
Dislikes: Most demons and sirens
Hates: N/a
Her song:
About her: No one knows how old she is nor does anyone really know anything about her.
Bio: N/a


strength: 12/10
speed: 15/10
intelligence: 11/10
powers: N/a
Weaknesses: People she loves
Fears: Losing anyone close to her
Skills: Fighting


Hometown: Heaven
Current Residence: somewhere on Earth


Food(s): Strawberries
Color(s): Blue
Weapon(s): Swords
Music genre(s): N/a
Animal(s): Foxes
Book genre(s): N/a


Royal: Yes
Mother: (Dead)
Father: (Dead)
Sibling(s): none


Disorder/disorders: N/a
Mental health: 8/10


hair color: White
eye color: Blue
height: 5' 7"
weight: 134
body shape: Top hour glass
moles: No
freckles: No
scars: Yes
Tattoos: No


Sexuality: Striaght
Status: Single
Crushes: None


Take drugs? No
Smokes? No
General Health? 9/10
Hobbies? Singing and excerising
Glasses/Contacts? No
Left/Right handed? Both

Rp genres:
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0 | Oct 16th 2017 22:54