The Scribe
Name: Seraphina Trells
Age: 24
Birthday: May 18
Sex: Female
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 5’7’’
Figure: Delicate and slim
Scars/birthmarks: A large, irregularly shaped birthmark covers her shoulder and upper arm.
Attire: She wears the heavy white robes that cover her frame completely, a wide brown belt defines her waistline. She wears sandals that allow her to move silently through the library halls.
Accessories: She wears brown leather bracelets, with small gold beads.
Posture/gait: After spending years hunched over books in the library, she is almost always slouching.
Personality: She is reserved, practical, and organized. She keeps largely to herself, but she is also very compassionate and has a self-sacrificing nature. She can be a stickler for the rules, but will also bend and break them when she deems it necessary. She is wise beyond her years, cautious, with a quick-witted strategic mind.
Abilities: A self-taught scribe specializing in the use of spell scrolls, glyph work, ink weaving, and eidetic reading. Unlike other mages, she can’t cast spells without writing them first and she must have the means to write and inscribe or else she is left with only her wits to rely on.
Backstory: Abandoned on the steps of the library, she was taken in by the scribes as an infant not out of kindness but obligation -- the scribes believe it was her destiny to be raised among them. When she was ten, she discovered a spellbook tucked away in the restricted section and she copied down the symbols within to experiment in secret. This lasted until she mispronounced a single syllable and set fire to a shelf of books, exposing herself in the process. Magic is forbidden amongst scribes, all of whom are sworn to pursue knowledge and reject power.
Her folly cost her everything, she was cast out for defiling knowledge with sorcery. Left with nothing but the clothes on her back, a satchel of stolen scrolls, and a heart full of unanswered questions, she wanders the realm and travels from city to city as a scribe for hire. She earns a living transcribing texts for lords and scholars, but never stays in one place long enough to be noticed. Her true work lies in the margins - she searches for lost magic and carves out a place for herself in a world that never wanted her.
Age: 24
Birthday: May 18
Sex: Female
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 5’7’’
Figure: Delicate and slim
Scars/birthmarks: A large, irregularly shaped birthmark covers her shoulder and upper arm.
Attire: She wears the heavy white robes that cover her frame completely, a wide brown belt defines her waistline. She wears sandals that allow her to move silently through the library halls.
Accessories: She wears brown leather bracelets, with small gold beads.
Posture/gait: After spending years hunched over books in the library, she is almost always slouching.
Personality: She is reserved, practical, and organized. She keeps largely to herself, but she is also very compassionate and has a self-sacrificing nature. She can be a stickler for the rules, but will also bend and break them when she deems it necessary. She is wise beyond her years, cautious, with a quick-witted strategic mind.
Abilities: A self-taught scribe specializing in the use of spell scrolls, glyph work, ink weaving, and eidetic reading. Unlike other mages, she can’t cast spells without writing them first and she must have the means to write and inscribe or else she is left with only her wits to rely on.
Backstory: Abandoned on the steps of the library, she was taken in by the scribes as an infant not out of kindness but obligation -- the scribes believe it was her destiny to be raised among them. When she was ten, she discovered a spellbook tucked away in the restricted section and she copied down the symbols within to experiment in secret. This lasted until she mispronounced a single syllable and set fire to a shelf of books, exposing herself in the process. Magic is forbidden amongst scribes, all of whom are sworn to pursue knowledge and reject power.
Her folly cost her everything, she was cast out for defiling knowledge with sorcery. Left with nothing but the clothes on her back, a satchel of stolen scrolls, and a heart full of unanswered questions, she wanders the realm and travels from city to city as a scribe for hire. She earns a living transcribing texts for lords and scholars, but never stays in one place long enough to be noticed. Her true work lies in the margins - she searches for lost magic and carves out a place for herself in a world that never wanted her.
The Princess
Name: (Princess) Eliza Virellian
Age: 19
Birthday: March 25
Sex: Female
Eye Colour: violet
Hair Colour: platinum blonde, thick and unruly
Height: 5’9’’
Figure: Slim with soft curves, minimal muscle definition
Scars/birthmarks: Thick, uneven scars circle her ankles like cruel bracelets. The skin is permanently discoloured with rough, raised edges.
Attire: To royal affairs she usually wears a luxurious violet gown with a deep neckline and flowing long sleeves. Otherwise, she prefers to wear fitted black pants with a violet corset, black knee high boots, and a black jacket with many leather straps accentuating her waist.
Accessories: A pair of black leather gloves she prefers to wear whenever she needs to pummel someone.
Posture/gait: Her posture is always perfect, and she moves with grace that only a
lifetime of dance classes can teach.
Personality: A rebellious trickster, with a distaste for injustice and a habit of breaking rules for the sake of others. She is defiant and adventurous, refusing to be controlled and committed to forging her own path. She has a bleeding heart, her kindness and empathy for those less fortunate than her knows no bounds. However, she is also impulsive, reckless, and naive. She has a habit of charging headstrong into situations and rarely knows when to shut up. She has a short temper and does not accept ‘no’ for an answer.
Abilities: None that she’s aware of but perhaps there is something within her just waiting to be unlocked. Perhaps it has something to do with the mysterious journey that saved her life as an infant. Maybe it wasn’t truly medicine that brought her back from the brink of death.
Backstory: One of the many royal children in her kingdom of Rell, she was sickly as an infant and had a close call with death. So close that the King and Queen took a secretive journey to a far off land in search of a healer talented enough to save their youngest daughter. When they returned, Eliza was healthier than ever but something had changed-- her eyes were no longer the same green hue shared by the rest of the royal family and instead had taken on a distinctive shade of violet. Too young to remember the trip, Eliza is only aware that it occurred due to vague mentions made by her parents.
Eliza grew up constantly being watched by attendants while also watching her older sisters getting married off to various foreign nobles and royalty for the sake of forging alliances. She decided early on that she did not want to spend her life as a political pawn. When she was ten, she hired private tutors to teach her swordplay, hand-to-hand combat, and archery. This lasted until she was sixteen, when she embarrassed the Royal family by making the mistake of attending a royal ball with bruised knuckles and a split lip. Unable to tolerate being suffocated by her title any longer, she attempted to escape but her plot was foiled and she found herself imprisoned in the dungeons with red-hot shackles around her ankles. The punishment permanently scarred her, and she could not make another escape attempt while her wounds were still raw. Now, she’s ready to try again.
Age: 19
Birthday: March 25
Sex: Female
Eye Colour: violet
Hair Colour: platinum blonde, thick and unruly
Height: 5’9’’
Figure: Slim with soft curves, minimal muscle definition
Scars/birthmarks: Thick, uneven scars circle her ankles like cruel bracelets. The skin is permanently discoloured with rough, raised edges.
Attire: To royal affairs she usually wears a luxurious violet gown with a deep neckline and flowing long sleeves. Otherwise, she prefers to wear fitted black pants with a violet corset, black knee high boots, and a black jacket with many leather straps accentuating her waist.
Accessories: A pair of black leather gloves she prefers to wear whenever she needs to pummel someone.
Posture/gait: Her posture is always perfect, and she moves with grace that only a
lifetime of dance classes can teach.
Personality: A rebellious trickster, with a distaste for injustice and a habit of breaking rules for the sake of others. She is defiant and adventurous, refusing to be controlled and committed to forging her own path. She has a bleeding heart, her kindness and empathy for those less fortunate than her knows no bounds. However, she is also impulsive, reckless, and naive. She has a habit of charging headstrong into situations and rarely knows when to shut up. She has a short temper and does not accept ‘no’ for an answer.
Abilities: None that she’s aware of but perhaps there is something within her just waiting to be unlocked. Perhaps it has something to do with the mysterious journey that saved her life as an infant. Maybe it wasn’t truly medicine that brought her back from the brink of death.
Backstory: One of the many royal children in her kingdom of Rell, she was sickly as an infant and had a close call with death. So close that the King and Queen took a secretive journey to a far off land in search of a healer talented enough to save their youngest daughter. When they returned, Eliza was healthier than ever but something had changed-- her eyes were no longer the same green hue shared by the rest of the royal family and instead had taken on a distinctive shade of violet. Too young to remember the trip, Eliza is only aware that it occurred due to vague mentions made by her parents.
Eliza grew up constantly being watched by attendants while also watching her older sisters getting married off to various foreign nobles and royalty for the sake of forging alliances. She decided early on that she did not want to spend her life as a political pawn. When she was ten, she hired private tutors to teach her swordplay, hand-to-hand combat, and archery. This lasted until she was sixteen, when she embarrassed the Royal family by making the mistake of attending a royal ball with bruised knuckles and a split lip. Unable to tolerate being suffocated by her title any longer, she attempted to escape but her plot was foiled and she found herself imprisoned in the dungeons with red-hot shackles around her ankles. The punishment permanently scarred her, and she could not make another escape attempt while her wounds were still raw. Now, she’s ready to try again.