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SomethingWeird's Blog

What I'm into.

For the sake of keeping my profile at least outwardly vanilla, I've condensed my weirder interest into this blog post as to not scare as many people away. These are just some subjects I find fun and enjoy writing, they are by no means all I do.

-Weight Gain.-

I quite enjoy writing stories centered around a character suddenly (usually magically) putting on weight. That said, I understand a lot of people who are into said subject lean more towards the natural side, which I do not mind. Stuff like being force-fed or just being extremely hungry. I don't write about feeding as much on my own, but if it's offered I will happily discuss. I am not into vore at all.

-Age Regression-

Now, I should specify which kind of AR (Age Regression) I enjoy. The literal use of the term is for a character to dress up as a child and essentially pretend to be one. I am *strictly* not a fan of this and do not wish to write about it, so please do not ask. The AR I enjoy is the magical fun kind. A character suddenly gets years regressed off their life, and has to tackle some sort of challenge as a child. It can be a lot of fun and is very customizable. I will absolutely *not* make anything involving this subject sexual. That is unacceptable and I will *not* tolerate it.

-Gender Bending-

This is a more common one, but I find it can be fun and still unique. I prefer to right MTF (male to female), just because I find it more interesting. This is a simple one, and the rules are much more loose. I like it to stay on the more wholesome side, but if you have an idea that takes steps away from that, I am all ears.


This is not everything, however these are the main that I enjoy. If you have a weird subject of your own, please don't hesitate to pitch it to me. So long as it follows the few rules I displayed above.

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