A little bit of charm, a whole lotta sass, and 100% won't take your sh!t. I promise I don't bite....usually :P lol.
Writer/roleplayer of about 7+ years. Usually like to go with the flow. Please do not pressure for anything, I will not tolerate it. Also, please read my character's bios before asking for anything, I don't post them for nothing. If you don't read up beforehand, its not my fault if you're not prepared for how anything goes down.
I don't really write sm*t, but if I do, it needs to be discussed first and, above all, needs to have a sensical reason, I won't be just writing sm*t immediately off the bat. Most cases I'd rather just 'fade to black'.
I usually try to mirror what a scene partner is writing in terms of length, but I don't really go much lower than about 3 lines at the very *least*. So please don't give me just one line when I'm giving you 3 or more, give me something to work with.
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