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NeverDying's Blog


hOI!!! i'm tEMMIE!! awwAwa cute!! (pets u) OMG!! humans TOO CUTE (dies)
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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 6th 2022 21:22


Isabelle is friendly, polite, hardworking, and eager to help when she's at her day job of being a secretary and assistant, but when she's not she's out driving go karts, beating up other fighters and out slaying evil demons with the Doom slayer.
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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 6th 2022 21:18


She was created 6,000 years ago to comfort the lonely Pink Diamond, who had lost her first Pearl to White Diamond. The two would play in Pink's garden until she was finally given a colony. At this point, Pink outgrew Spinel and abandoned her under the guise of playing a game by having Spinel stand alone for thousands of years while Pink never returned.

After discovering this through Steven's message to the universe, she went to Earth and attempted to destroy all organic life forms on the planet as an act of revenge.

Age: 6,000
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A

Elasticity: Similarly to old-fashioned cartoons, Spinel is extremely elastic and malleable, able to stretch her limbs and torso to great lengths and inflate body parts to strengthen her attacks. She uses this to increase the range of her attacks, able to reach enemies from a distance. She can also coil her extended limbs to form a spring with an inflated fist at the end. She even displayed the ability to become as flat as the ground and slither across it, in an almost semi-liquid like state.
Rubber Physiology: Spinel also possesses physiology similar to rubber or putty. This allows her to jump great distances and bounce off surfaces.
Twister Dash: She has the ability to quickly dash in the style of a twister due to her elasticity properties.
Flight: Spinning her legs like helicopter blades, she can slow her fall even when carrying a heavy object.
Figure-Eight: She is able to run incredibly quickly, making her legs look like a figure eight kinda like Sonic.
Spin Dash: She can also curl up into a ball and spin like Sonic.

Scythe Proficiency: When wielding a Scythe she can use her stretchiness to use the Scythe like no other

Sufficient damage being dealt to her physical form results in being poofed into her gemstone.
A cracked gem results in having less stamina, tiring out easily and glitching from time to time.
Both of the flaws above make said gemstone vulnerable to being shattered if her combatant considers doing so, or is capable of.
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 6th 2022 21:12


Natsuki is a brash, blunt, cranky, and even arrogant girl at first, but she has a cute, softer interior, While she is impulsive and sometimes speaks without thinking, Natsuki truly cares about her friends and, even when she has obvious anger issues

Height: 4'11"
Weight: N/A
Age: 18

While being more of a tsundere, she can survive snapping her own neck and can go into full buffsuki mode
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1 | 0 Comments | Dec 6th 2022 20:59


Yuri is shy, generous, polite, apologetic, very intelligent, mature, eloquent, and passionate about topics she is interested in, although she is also very insecure, awkward, and has a tendency to act slightly condescending and patronizing to mask her self-doubt.

Height: 5'5"
Weight: N/A
Age: 18

Yuri can go into full Yandere mod willing to hurt her herself, others or her Senpai
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1 | 0 Comments | Dec 6th 2022 20:55