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NapalmKnight's Blog

Lincoln Claymen (Zombie Apoc OC)

Name: Lincoln Ambrose Claymen

Age: Mid 30s

Gender: Male

Appearance: In photo however does grow a beard and hair grows shaggier during later periods in the apocalypse

Weapons: Hand made bow, hunting knife, and a glok (prefers use of bow as he see's it as far more effective and quiet) and also a crowbar

Personality: Reclusive, moved to the small town of Oaks and Iron to escape the busy body life of the big cities, he is also not very friendly or social. He prefers the company of a beer and a book to other human beings

Bio: Lincoln Claymen is a man with a lot of mystery about him, all the locals know is he just got through a very nasty divorce and he prefers to stick to himself and only himself. Unemployed and reclusive, the man didn't seem to mind too much when everything went to sh* fact it seemed to give him relief as he now he could just be he a psychopath? perhaps but who cares. He just knows one thing, its kill or be killed out there now and the dead are walking once again...

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1 | 0 Comments | Aug 14th 2019 01:50

My Mains

@Candy is a really sweet person. she's a really good roleplayer and me and her have been roleplaying for what feels like forever! she's kind and sweet and she is just amazing! love you hon :)

@spiderlily another amazing person! this cutie pie and I have been roleplaying for ages as well and she is just so damn kind to me and huggable! she's always there when I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to. If you don't know her! add her now!

@ClownPrinceOfCrime is like the only guy on my friends list. he's amazing, when my girl dumped me he helped me and tried to make her talk to me. thanks bro, love ya hahaha no homo XD
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3 | 5 Comments | Jul 30th 2019 00:31

Jordan Aka The Napalm Knight

Name: Jordan Ashton Price

Age: 28-32

Gender: Male

Appearance: in photo (hair can vary. can be shaved off)

Personality: hard hitting, likes getting things done and cleaning up loose ends

Weapons: A custom black tinted revolver with the words engraved on it "There is always a darker day before the brightest night" on it, it is a 44. Magnum. The Gun is called Executor.

Bio: Jordan Ashton Prince is a gangster operating out of New Orleans. His small army of operatives is primarily comprised of people of African American descent or Haitian and Caribbean routes but he also works with Native Americans and the Chinese. Jordan is known for smuggling fire arms, explosives and drugs into New Orleans with his contacts all over America. His father was killed in a bombing attack when he was only 12, his father was also an infamous Gangster and Jordan knew he had to continue his fathers legacy.

Originally his ancestors were moonshiners, they made moonshine during the 1920s prohibition era to hop onto the bandwagon of popular moneymaker of the time, but! the future holds two major money makers, drugs and weapons, Heroin, cocaine, marijuana and party name it. Jordan is supplying with his many contacts and drug labs across the country. He is basically untouchable.

Jordan is currently in open conflict with other gangs and figures in the gangster community in New Orleans.
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5 | 2 Comments | Jul 13th 2019 21:19

Taugren The Iron Hoofed

Name: Taurgen The Iron Hoofed

Age: 40 in Minotaur years (400 in human years)

Gender: Male

Appearance: in photo


Bio: coming soon!
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1 | 0 Comments | Jun 12th 2019 05:37

??? sMeLlS aNd BlEeDs LiKe pAiNt

Name: fInD mE bUriEd aLiVe

Age: sCrEaMiNg On tHe InSiDe

Gender: sNaKeS fOr fEaStInG

Appearance: sKiNnEd aLIve

Personality: CoMe fINd OuT aNd PlAy WiTh mE

Bio: dArK sEcReTs aWaIt
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1 | 0 Comments | May 25th 2019 00:41