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The Secretary, Hermione Malva

Name and Spirit Animal: Hermione Malva, Deer
Age and Occupation: 32, Personal Assistant
Species: Hybrid, Human; Mind Flayer

A bit about Her: Hermione may seem like the type to disregard the opiate of entertainment but she greatly enjoys carnal pleasures of all varieties, fine dining, nice perfumes, theater, haute couture, and so on. She loves the thrill of combat, and even video games. She’ll gladly engage in just about any activity so long as it stimulates her, and she’ll especially be eager if it’s something she hasn’t done before. She presents and carries herself very regally and formally, but isn’t afraid to put someone in their place if need be. She tries to be efficient in all that she does she even successfully manages having a satisfying down time despite being a workaholic. She’s considered excellent company, and is desired the world over.

Powers, equipment, talents, Abilities: Advanced Arithmancy, Psychokinesis, Mixed martial arts, archery, fencing, sniping, alchemy, Charms, spell-craft, Mind Flayer Traits-and skills, Gun-smithing, Jewel and rune refining, appraisal, business and organization, translation, diplomacy, espionage, interrogation, tactics, logistics, fashion, cosmetics, tailoring, design, Architecture, law, Armor and weapon smithing, Consultation, general science and Lab-Work, Herbalism, Info gathering, survival, Trivia, Manipulation, teaching/training, Hacking, Animal Husbandry, Deep Sea Diving, Fishing, Reading, and Info digestion. (Hermione as a mind Flayer will often gain entirely new fields in knowledge on a whim to add to her repertoire via absorbing all the knowledge From a smart target, as of current she has even more talents, but these are her most commonly applied powers, equipment, etc)

Background and History: Hermione was born the only daughter of a revolutionary. In the dystopian world she comes from, where businesses and conglomerates rule, revolutionaries and rebels were often killed quickly, but her father was the sort to use the system to destroy the system. Being a kind Flayer he had incredible knowledge and psychic powers, and he was an obsessive mathematician, so much so that as he browsed the index of experimental and “in development” Magic’s, he decided to fund and support Arithmancy and became so obsessed with that goal that he became just another piece to the system, exchanging his fight for freedom, in pursuit of a passion that he loved.

Hermione’ mother on the other hand was not very pleased with his actions, they met on the battlefield together, fighting for the oppressed so she left him. Taking her daughter with her. Hermione on the other Jane was getting quite addicted to the things her father was teaching her. How to manipulate and use others, how to use powerful forbidden magic and experimental one of a kind things. At the ripe age of ten years old she at her mother’s mind, her thoughts and identities, and made her mother nothing more than a personal maid, of course she trained her mother to be an excellent, flawless maid, that would body guard, and assassinate on her behalf.

After reaching the age of thirteen she found her father and formally requested she be taken under his wing. He told her that as a mind Flayer she would gain incredible knowledge, and with such knowledge would inevitably come suffering if she could not commit her mind to something, like he did. So he had her make a decision, “commit your life to something, and then I will train you to accomplish that goal, any goal.” She thought about her life, how unusual she was compared to the other girls in school, even amongst hybrid girls, and robots, and humans, she was strange. But people feared her because she stuck to the strong, and the strong would bow to her because she would protect their position.

That was it, she knew what she wanted to be. A secretary, and not just any secretary she wanted to Dip her toes into the massive corporate world, and sell her body and soul to someone who would conquer the world, she seeks the perfect candidate, someone she knows will bend the universe to their knees. She will ensure that they reach that goal, and she’ll ensure that it stays that way.

Appearance: (At the end)

Curious about “Arithmancy” what it is? How I designed it and how it works? my full description and depictions of it are directly below, so, enjoy

Arithmancy: (Arith[short for Arithmos, meaning Number] Arithmancy or, Number magic, is a Form of Psycho-kinetic magic. Utilizing complex and simple algorithms one stimulates the mind, this creates an energy source that can then be utilized to cast spells as a substitute to mana. This makes Arithmancy one of the least demanding Magic’s in the way of mana Consumption.

Arithmancy requires the user to be attuned to the psychic element in some way shape or form, and the user must be compatible with mana. Although it requires little mana to utilize Arithmancy spells, Having a large mana pool and a sharp understanding of mana; internally, externally, and ecologically will make the efficiency utilization of Arithmancy a much more attainable goal.

At its core Arithmancy spells attack foes and support allies through manipulation of mana and psychic energy. This fusion of magic and psychic is fueled by calculation, so one must ask, “what gets calculated?” And that would be, Mana.

The school of Arithmancy divides mana into 3 categories.

-First is Latent or “dry” mana which is the mana all around the world. In the air we breath, in the grass we trample. Dry mana is often forgotten or overlooked, it what our bodies take in when we rest and restore our personal mana reserves, it’s what we harness and collect as alchemists or craftsman. It’s everywhere, unavoidable, and very difficult to perceive.

-Second is Active or Solid mana, this is mana that has been provoked and is now manipulating the natural essence of the world, nature, and so on. It’s most often seen, within people. This is the most commonly used mana; it is through solid mana that most magic users achieve spell casting, wether it be a fireball, or a lighting bolt they do so usually by harnessing the solid mana in their bodies, and fueling their attuned element to strike!

-finally there is refined or “wet” mana. This is mana that has been made tangible, it’s in some species of flora and fauna, some crystals, potions, all sorts of things really, and is used in a countless variety of ways.


So what kinds of things can Arithmancy do? Quite frankly the possibilities are endless. From deciphering codes, and analyzing foes, to destroying targets and healing allies Arithmancy can do anything. Arithmancy relies on the ability to spell-craft on the fly. Most Arithmancers have a list of personal favorite spells they utilize, and develop new ones as needed. What kinds of things the spells do depends on the kinds of calculations being done, and what the desired result it. More often than not the more difficult and complex the calculation the more powerful the spell! However this means the Arithmancy would take longer to cast as they must solve their quandaries before they can cast.


(knowledge on all schools of mathematics can be applied to every type of Arithmancy spells, but these are general ideas and examples. there will always be exceptions and there are thousands of ways to approach the same spell with different mathematical solutions. Ultimately so long as the arithmancers mind is performing mana algorithms and being stimulated they can achieve their desired result so long as the math adds up)

Type 1: Type one, is the standard and first ever developed Arithmancy spell category. It utilizes very simple calculations. In order to cast with type one spells an individual must understand, number theory, Arithmetic, and mathematical analyses. Or in simple terms, types of numbers, and simple functions such as addition as subtraction. Type one spells can most often only be used for party tricks or manipulation of dry mana.

Ex. Someone Wishes to cast a healing spell utilizing Arithmancy. The target is wounded, as a result their body is using some of its mana as a preservation method. One must gauge the severity of the wound and determine how much mana is being expended, the number need not be very precise, but the more accurate the conclusion the stronger and less costly the cast will be. The Arithmancer simply subtracts their estimate from their own mana pool and then heals the target. Depending on how far the answer the caster provided was from the truth will determine how much mana is expended.

Programming: This is the type of Arithmancy used for diplomatic affairs, psychological warfare, mind games and so on. Knowledge and skill in sequencing, statistics,probability, pattern recognition, puzzle solving, and analyses are a must for Arithmancy spells of the programming category. This is yet another form of Arithmancy that focuses on the manipulation of dry mana. However through more complex calculations one can weaponize dry mana to achieve incredible results.

Ex. An ancient text on the wall must be deciphered to progress further into the dungeon, however nobody in the party can read the language, thankfully there is an Arithmancer in the group. They can observe the writing and convert symbols to numbers. Finally they add the values and take the sun, then divide by the number of values to find the mean, upon doing so they can then read the language as they would any language they are fluent in.

Axiom: Axiom spells are the combat types of Arithmancy. Very powerful, very diverse, and very complex. In order to make proper use of combat Arithmancy, or Axiom, one must understand structures and Combinatorics, as well as Geometry, and the comprehension of continuous change, and or Calculus. As to what actions one can perform with axiom spells? Anything. Crush an opponent with ten tons of mana, drown them in liquid mana, create a barrier between you and your foes, conjure a physic blade encrypted in the runes of numbers, and slash through the enemy! The sky is the limit with axiom Arithmancy but it requires time, patience, creativity and knowledge to make full use of it.

Ex. The enemy is charging towards an ally in danger, you wish to push the enemy back with a tidal wave of mana. It’s not actual water of course but it’ll feel like it. You measure the dimensions of a large cylinder, afterwards, calculate the volume of mana said cylinder would contain, determine the rate of change at which the mana flow would shift as it moves from point A to point B. Finally, cast the spell and wash away the enemy! Once again, the more accurate the calculations the less costly and the more powerful the spell would be!

Theoretical: This branch of Arithmancy allows the user to bend the universe to their will, time, space, and just about any construct the mind can comprehend is but another bird in the hand to the talented arithmancer, this requires knowledge of graphing, Algebra, Trigonometry, imaginary numbers, and science. General knowledge of mana physics and mana chemistry or even Alchemy make for a much more potent spell caster of the Arithmancer variety. Though knowledge of the sciences is not entirely necessary the best Arithmancers know their ways around a lab. Using this to dominate mana with the mind the world is your oyster.

Ex. The Arithmancer is about be hit by a lethal blow, a hefty and weighty fireball traveling towards them at incredible speeds, presuming they are quick witted enough to determine its trajectory and calculate the mana utilized to create, cast, and dispense said fireball, they can quickly dispel, deflect or even absorb the fireball, to replenish their mana reserve. This can be done also through pin pointing the coordinates of the fireballs end destination were it to miss its target. An Arithmancy could also use these same premises to power up an allies fireball, and so on and so forth.

Combination: Combination spells, utilize all varieties of number magic. This is the catch all category for any spell that utilizes the many families and branches of Arithmancy but doesn’t quite fit into a category or fuses categories together. Ultimately all categories are just more Arithmancy but cataloging them helps the average Arithmancer have an understanding what they want to be doing when applying their magic on the field for the first time. No example for this one as combination spells are few and far between, and can range from fusion effects to incomprehensible seances with infernal beings to summon star guardians. The absurdity of potential within combination Arithmancy could not be done justice by any example, as such we encourage you to go out there and try some for yourself!


Were an Arithmancer not showing their calculations you would not know that they were utilizing Arithmancy. However, “showing your work” speeds up spell casting, and makes the spells look flashier and all around they become more effective. As a result most Arithmancers would choose to show their calculations as they work. How the numbers look, what sounds they make, what colors they take, all depend on the flavor of the Arithmancer themselves, but witnessing an Arithmancer work their magic is quite a sight to behold. It’s both impressive, fascinating, and intimidating,.


Arithmancy is relatively new to the world of magic, not many know of it, or practice it and even less places teach it. However those who are talented and committed enough to try and master this powerful numerology can become some of the most powerful and grand Archmages, psychic powers are well known for their ability to replicate the results of any magic, Arithmancy fuses the powers of Magic and general sorcerery with the wonders of psychic might; this holy matrimony of knowledge, creativity, and wonder are a spectacular phenomena, though it may seem intimidating at first, we believe that Arithmancy is truly Awesome!
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3 | 0 Comments | May 22nd 2021 11:12

Clear_Mage Mrs Clean

Imogen Cleanex

The gorgeous Grandmaster of Magic

Her favorite color is Clear (transparent)

She’s quirky, and kind, with a really curious personality. Open to all kinds of ideas, and very shameless with a sassy and outgoing attitude. She can be quite horrific if angered however, but is usually difficult to push to that extreme

She looks vividly young but she’s outlived both her parents and is actually the principle of a magical academy! she’s rumored to have mastered every magical spell known to human kind, and a vast majority of spells practiced by other races, is a master of just about every magic, and achieved the highest award from the grand council of mages for being a most adept Mage.

She would come to earn herself a spot amongst the elite council of global mages as well, with her incredible knowledge. She wrote her thesis on the creation of Magic’s and how magic could expand significantly if individuals made more sacrifices to create categories of spells outside the norm. As such, she actually went on to prove this notion, stepping down from her role of council and even passing on her academy to one of her peers.

She still remains a wealthy individual but has become a magic scientist, experimenting with magic to design and invent new Magic’s and spells for people the world over to learn and master. To do so however she performed a magical ritual that would allow her to manifest all of her mana and learned spells and Magic’s into new shapes and forms, forcing her to lose power over them all, and figuratively reducing her back to level one! (Metaphorically)

In exchange for this, she could now truly create magic and spells! That magic ritual She used is tacked down and written in her field notes, which she plans to publish along with the rest of her findings once she’s done fully fleshing out the magic she’s working on. Her current project is a magic that can be applied to every day life, allowing individuals a much easier, simpler lifestyle while also having incredible use even in combat scenarios! A magic for the every day man that could also be used against the every day undead or invading goblin! This magic, is, Cleaning magic!

As a “Cleansemancer” She has developed a wide variety of spells involving cleaning. This is a magic that involves a mixture of tools, spells, and even has alchemic potential, as all Magic’s should. With “cleanse” magic, she’s able to perform acts of cleaning such as making something filthy, or infected totally sanitized! Eliminating dirt from food that fell from the floor, stains, or even just kill bacteria of purify the air in a polluted place! She can organize things, and even put broken things back together. This magic borrows from several other Magic’s after all.

The magic can also be used to attack beings that are intrinsically dirty. Things that embody stains and filth. Undead, dirt monsters, creatures that are quite literally just bacteria, insects, parasites, etc. can be attacked by cleaning magic, it takes the shape of thin floating clear crystals that constantly shatter as they move about, almost like a mixture of water and light magic. By moving around the cleansing, twinkling, particles a cleansemancer can attack foes! Nonfilth opponents will slowly be worn away rather than taking immediate heavy damage, almost as though they were dipped in cleansing chemicals and are slowly being incinerated! Foes who are unclean will be especially susceptible to this Magic’s effects!

From an alchemical perspective cleansing magic can be used to make all kinds of new weapons and tools for combat, particularly, salves and chemicals are made to kill or deal great damage to foes! The “spray can” weapon category is a unique one, by spraying someone they take large, gradual, multi-hitting, damage, and it’s especially effective against insects and parasites, bacteria, undead and so on! Imogen also flies around with a broom like a witch on occasion, and can create several cleanliness familiars! Bacteria kill bacteria after all, she can make large, almost human sized anti-bacterial, bacteria golems, and monsters to help clean, fight, and generally be of use! Alchemical use of cleanse magic also allows for all kinds of safety precautions, such as sanitizing tools, curing poisoned companions via new types of healing potions that can clear all kinds of conditions, even petrification and such. For this reason some refer to this as “Clear” magic. Or at least those who have seen her on her travels.

And finally there are many spells Imogen has developed and added to her book of cleanse spells. Before she can publish it, and spread the knlowedge on how to gain this magic, learn these spells, and master cleansing alchemy to the world she wants a sufficient amount of spells! She has some simple ones for those who can’t quite develop the magic but still want some of the perks such as, “clean stain,” “Lavender smell” or “organize desk” and some devastating ones for those who might want to use it for combat such as, “stain killer” a powerful “Banish” type spell that has a chance of simply deleting an enemy entirely! But the odds are only high against the more fifth oriented enemies. This magic is also heavily manipulated by the “human” perception of filth(more specifically Imogens) A bug species may find dirt and grime not to be dirty at all, and human armor to be more of a filth than anything but the spells and magic would function the same way. She has a grand assortment of spells she’s already created and is working on developing more, doing so as she travels the world seeking inspiration and aspiring to help and teach others!
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4 | 0 Comments | Oct 25th 2019 16:00

The Three Witches of the Forrest Nation

The three Witches

Name: Canella Garter Sterling

Title: The Cinnamon Witch: also known as, the Cinnamon Sister

Powers: As a witch Canella knows simple magical spells, this allows her to do small simple things such as make sparks, or move small objects a slight distance, making some sound or light, very minor things. In addition to spells she has powerful cinnamon magic. Her cinnamon magic allows her to spawn a very large cinnamon stick she can use to fly around on like a broom. She can throw cinnamon dust at opponents that acts like fire dust, burning them or setting things ablaze. Can use large cinnamon sticks as structures or staffs to fight with, and can even make cinnamon Golem or cinnamon Ghouls to aid her or protect her.

Abilities: A talented fighter with a staff, more often than not using a cinnamon dust covered staff to burn and whack her foes. Talented at making potions, can imbue her brews with cinnamon to do a variety of things. Is very skilled at flying around and is fairly quick.

Looks: She’s usually adorned in all brown. She considers herself a “spicy” girl, and as such, usually wears, skimpier, cuter versions of the usual witches garbs. She has a variety of outfits she might switch between, but she likes to show skin, and loves to accessorize. She has brown hair, and brown eyes, and fairly tanned skin, still mostly white.

Common Background: As one of three Witch sisters. She grew up together along with her siblings in a home raised by a beautiful plant Monster. The three of them were actually born from eggs, and some question wether they are truly human, or a bizarre amalgam of human and plant. They seem to have taken mostly human bodies but with powers and abilities more reminiscent of their Plant Queen Mother. The three were princesses, and their mother the queen. As per tradition, woman ate man, so they had no father. Of the three one would remain to become Queen and the other two would become ordinary forest residents.

Canellas Background: Canella is shy but experimental. She’s flirty when she wants to be though. All three sisters were raised to be magical beings, witches, but Canella is the only one of three that actually stuck with the witch motif. Specializing in brews, spells, potions, and pointy hats. She resides in a surprisingly clean swamp far from home, honing her magic, and powers, hoping to be a suitable candidate for Queen one day. She wants to be Queen because she believes she knows what’s best for the Forrest nation, and will make it prosperous with her grow and prosper attitude.

Name: Leimomi Aria Sterling

Title: The coconut Witch, also known as the Coconut Cleric

Powers: Lei is a talented cleric, connected well with a powerful and Celestial Goddess that she worships. As such she has many blessings at her disposal. She can heal those she cares for, increase their defenses to make them nigh invincible, even purify poisoned waters, and cursed locations. If she’s in a particularly tight bind she can even call upon her Goddess and if her prayers are heard, The nature Goddess may even smite her foes. In addition Lei is a Coconut Mage. With her coconut magic she can create Coconuts at will. They can be used as projectiles but more often than not she’ll make a large coconut shell around her to protect herself or an ally. She can also launch the coconuts with her magic, not requiring much in the ways of strength to do so. In addition she can make plants grow quicker and even communicate with them, but can’t advance them or command them, but wishes to one day do so.

Abilities: Lei relies heavily on her blessings, and magic to get by. She’s quite frail physically.

Looks: Lei has dark skin, brown eyes, and white hair. She’s a tropical sort, spending all her time at an island, as such she usually wears very tropical clothes, natural outfits made from natural sources, or even just swimwear. Whites and greens are common for her.

##Common Background##

Lei’s Background: Lei was raised to be a witch but didn’t take to it very much. She loved worship and felt a natural divine connection. With permission from her mother the Queen, she became a cleric to worship the goddess of nature. Because of her magical practices some still consider her a witch regardless. She hopes to take over her mothers positions as queen so that she can gain plant magic, a secret personal desire of hers. She also wants to become queen so that she can take care and nurture the forest nation. A majority of residents are plants and she wants to see everything remain safe. Her ideals are less focused on expanding and gaining more power like Canellas and instead focus on preservation.

Name: Aqua Melone Sterling

Title: The Watermelon Witch, also known as the Watermelon Whacker

Powers: Watermelon Magic. She’s a bit fearsome. Her magic involves casting magic on enemies rather than herself and her surroundings. She can cast a curse and turn an enemy into a Watermelon. While in Watermelon form her victims can roll around, or away but doing so will make them dizzy and easier to attack. She can also bloat an enemy with juice until they explode into a Watermelon-y burst if she gets her hands on them. She can also use a few unusual moves making Watermelon turrets that Fire bullet-like watermelon seeds into Targets. Finally if she lands a special seed in her enemies she can make a large watermelon plant grow from them, destroying them and providing some watermelons in the process.

Abilities: Aqua is the strongest and fastest of the sisters. She carries both a long club and large hammer on her, is incredibly strong and fast and can wield them with ease, she moves around as quickly as the wind, and doesn’t hesitate to to throw a punch before asking questions. She’s a talented acrobat, and very flexible as well. She’s not knowledgeable in any particular martial art like Canella but is ferocious enough to compensate for that. She’s got a tricksters wit and a nasty bite. She also has super human senses, and if she chooses to take off her blind-fold can use her eyes to see the actions of individuals a few seconds before they do so. Doing so however will make her eyes hurt and using her vision in general really tries her, she has super enhanced vision which allows her to see things in abnormally amounts of details, nothing get’s past her eyes, she even has X-ray vision, and some people say they have seen her shoot lasers from her eyes. She loves using her victims for a good old fashioned game of Suikawari.

Looks: Aqua is ghostly pale, some might even think her a vampire. She wears a blind-fold most of the time, and fancy clothing. Accessories, gems, and anything over-the top is usually her style. She’s just as flashy and refined as she is ferocious. Her eyes are a dark red, and her hair a very very pale green.

##Common Background##

Aquas Background: Aqua was raised to be a witch and though the idea didn’t seem bad she doesn’t like being tied down to a single place. She also isn’t one for books or potions or reading long complex books about magic or spells. Aqua was always more hands on. While both her sisters decided to take their Queen training to one place in the world, Aqua decided the training would happen Naturally as she enjoyed her life. She travels the world, crushing those who disrespect nature, and having a good time. She learned her abilities and magic from hands on practice and spends a lot of time homing her skills and training her physical body. She wants to become queen, but wouldn’t make the forest nation a quiet preserve, or a trading nation, she promises that if she becomes queen, she’ll make the small forest nation a MASSIVE forrest nation, she’ll wage war and increase the forests influence and power by force and make a Golden age for her people! And if she doesn’t become queen then she’ll! ...just keep on traveling.

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5 | 0 Comments | Apr 25th 2019 16:42

Deluxia and Morte(Pt.1)Evan Charles Wallace(Pt.2)

Deluxia and Morte: Deluxia is a cleric of good faith and holy connection. Ironically enough she is not devout to any given church or faith. When asked what religious laws she abides by, she says her own. She receives the holy power of light, and blessings of might, from an unknown god that watches over her. She’s always felt that institutions formed by the higher powers were all corrupt, churches seeking monetary gain just like merchants have no true connection to a god in her eyes. She is devout to the gods she worship, offering her devotion and faith regularly, fighting for the good she is sure is righteous, in part because she cares for others, and in part because she wishes to serve a good afterlife. She was raised by Holy women after leaving her noble Bloodline. Like an enlightened monk, she was spoiled and given the worlds best things on a platter, but once she witnessed suffering through the eyes of her people she decided for herself she would no longer allow her life to be spoon fed to her. She wanted to understand all people, so she gained wisdom to rival her already great knowledge. She never learned to wield a weapon but with blessed ray of light at her disposal she never needed much in the way of conventional weaponry. With time a forsaken lich King was awoken and a Hero rose to face him. The legendary knight, a brooding dark sorcerer, a sly rogue, and none other than Deluxia found themselves working together on a great journey to slay the lich. The heroes defeated him and went their separate ways. But the lich, He was not allowed death by Deluxia. He was kept alive. Stripped of an overwhelming majority of his power, he is but a floating skull now, with lingering bits of powerful necromancy at his disposal. Deluxia heard his story, why he returned to life as an undead monster, why he sought to destroy the world, he sees the world as corrupt and deserving of a fresh start, she wants him to have a better view at life, and the two agreed that he would journey with her. His ulterior motive was to wait for her to die and then possess her body to try and take over the world again but as they traveled the two actually formed a bond. He denies it of course, and outright says he only stays by her side so that he could possess her body once she dies, but he’s done his best to save her life enough times to prove otherwise. The world seemed at peace for a while What with the threat of undead gone, but now a new problem faces the world and it’s up to Deluxia, Morte, and some new adventurers to save the world Again.


Evan Charles Wallace: Have you ever known someone with a bizarre obsession? They collect something that quite frankly doesn’t feel like it has much of. Right being collected? Evan was one of those types of individuals. He had a special magical power which allowed to preserve things, he could have done many great things with this power, such as saving lives and being a doctor or something but instead he would become a warrior, travel the world facing great monsters, just so that he could chop off their tails and preserve them. Dragon tails, serpent tails, shark tails, tails from monsters and normal animals of all varieties. He eventually opened up a museum where he would keep all these tails on display, it was a massive place to say the least. Evans a social guy, and he loves the sound of his own voice, he would lecture on tails for a long while before you’d be able to stop him. He’s also a bit of a hoarder and easily attached to things, this became the bane of his existence when a which found her way into his museum and engaged for food. Any tail would have done the job, but he refused so she cursed him. Cursed him to wander the world as something fitting of a man who would hold things and never let the, go. A sack. A literal magic bag. Scared that people might try to take his tails He gobbled them all up and disappeared. Most people think he’s dead, but there are rumors of a monster in the woods that kills things using monster tails. After consuming all the tails, the magic bag can grow a tail of it’s desire on a whim, it gained this ability but after being in this new body for a while Evan lost his preservation ability. So it was a trade off. The big could no longer copy creature traits either, it would have to work with just tails. On the bright side it could hold just about any amount of anything in its body, and the sack has quite the fearsome amount of tails at it’s disposal! This tail monster took a new approach at life and occasionally tries to make friends, but most just want to kill it or capture it.
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2 | 2 Comments | Apr 6th 2019 10:05

The Poisoned Apple, Caramel

Caramel Dijon
Race: Poisoned Apple.
Adventurer type: Rogue
Personality: She is self righteous. Believes that the end results will often justify the means. Doesn’t care for rules or laws but believes in fighting for what she believes to be right.
Bio: A legendary Mage had made himself the enemy of a guild of assassins. The assassins, poisoned and sent him a simple apple meant to kill him. Seeing through the ruse the thieves had set the Mage gave the apple life to spite them. He gave the apple a humanoid form and enchanted it’s body with magic. The body of the woman he created was tough like that of an apples. It was easily cut in too but would absorb violent impacts like an apple would. The body was completely fruit. If one were to bite her they would taste and feel as though they were biting into an apple. However she still had her poisonous effects. Consuming any piece of her would lead to a quick and untimely death. The body lacks a true skeleton or muscles, but magic through out the body is set to replicate the functions of a humans system. To make matters simple, her body is a fruit with a magical inner body that allows it to move and act like an ordinary persons. Using different elements of the fruit, he recreated a human entirely only using the apple. For instance The hair would flow and move, and was made from several threadlike pieces of a leaf that would be taken from the apple. Anything an ordinary human female can do, She can do despite being an apple. Her body was created using every piece of the apple even the poison played a part in making her. Poison being the blood of her system meant that she could not use ordinary potions to heal herself, or ordinary food and nourishment. She feeds from toxins and poisonous types of food. This became helpful in her style of combat, She was taught and trained to utilize poisons to fight as well as how to wither the right materials to make poisons and execute targets with said toxins. She could use her toxins to attack opponents or even draw from her own blood in a pinch. The Mage raised her as a daughter. The short yet feisty girl aged and developed her own ideas and opinions different from the mages. She learned to defend herself but did not like magic. She believed any method that led to victory was valid which led to her rogue like approach to situations. She became talented in the arts of assassination, stealth, weapon handling, sharpshooting, and despite not liking it she dabbled in bits of dark magic. She did however take a liking to alchemy, as it helped her develop the poisons she became so fond of. The grand Mage which was her father figure showed her different places in the world, and of her origins and what she was. Seeing herself as something that came from nature she grew attuned and attached to it, if she wasn’t reading a book she was meditating or interacting curiously with the forest and the living things in it. Despite being an unwise, and socially challenged individual she was intelligent, quick, and durable. She also had enough strength to defend herself if she had too. She would adorn herself in armor, and large elegant pieces of clothing to resemble the queens and figures of authority the Mage would tell her about. She liked the idea of power. She often would comment how her dream was to be the mighty empress of a forest kingdom. Ruling with a gentle fist and a poisonous touch. Her happy life came to an abrupt stop when the league of assassins came for the wizard once more. After years of planning they raided his personal tower. The legendary Mage had monsters, mighty spells, and a tower that even mighty groups of heroes could not scale. The assassins however cleared the tower, and came for the wizard. Their aim however was the girl not the wizard. He had often sent the assassins cards with updates on the girls growth, once again he was baiting the assassins but his small jokes came to haunt him. He successfully eliminated the band of assassins, singlehandedly but lost his life in the process. Caramel Dijon, the name she was given before she was thrown out into the world had nothing left to live for. She lost the one person she truly cared for, and she had no one to exact revenge on either. She retreated to nature but felt empty, she considered her childhood dream of being an empress but had no idea where to start. Finally she felt a need to reawaken and go on a spiritual journey, now she travels the world, helping others or exploring in hopes of discovering purpose in life.
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