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(Princess Blaze)
19 / Female / Single
Sol Empire, Japan
A noble soul and strong young lady, Blaze is highly devoted to the well-fare of her people, her motto being "My power is to protect the smiles of my people." She is normally rather calm and solemn but tends to conceal her true feelings. She is also often described as elegant, which is demonstrated through her body movements and her ballerina-like fighting style. Being royalty, Blaze is quite stoic personality-wise, which is a perfect example of the spirit of the noblesse oblige, as she is very frequently doing her official duties, but still tries to do her best for everyone's peace. Because of her lineage and her stoicism, she is sometimes too distant from those around her, but that is also the flip side of her good nature. She likewise always sticks to her personal principles, which means doing the best she can with pride in the position she is in. This may be the source of Blaze's strength, and it may also be what makes her so appealing.

Blaze is mannerly and typically maintains a relatively quiet and formal air among others. She also usually speaks in a polite and ladylike tone. While honored of her heritage as royalty, though, Blaze is down-to-earth and dislikes being called by her title. Blaze is also likewise highly perceptive; due to having people that lie to her daily because of her status as a princess, she has developed a keen intuition, allowing her to sense and see through the lies of others. Also, due to the fact that she is so strong that she does not need her guards' support, one cannot help but wonder if she has that much discretion. Her own uncompromisingly calm judgment and unyielding spirit are also qualities that can be counted on. However, one's impression of her may be that she is a person with differences that can be respected.

While Blaze gives the impression that she keeps her emotions in check, she is inwardly highly emotional. She possesses a fiery temper, and when she loses her composure she is quite aggressive, harsh, and prone to making bad decisions. She is similarly very serious about her position as guardian of the Sol Emeralds, initially suspecting anyone even looking at the Emeralds the wrong way. Also, when dealing with enemies, she never holds back her strength and is not above the idea of using lethal force. She is usually highly disciplined and focused, never allowing herself to lose control, and can be quite stubborn and impatient once she has put her mind to something. Her intensive demeanor, however, is motivated by her own genuine concern for others' safety. In truth, Blaze has a kind heart and always stands up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, Because of her own self-imposed strict discipline though, she is often tense and frequently suffers from great self-pressure.

Initially, she held a personal dislike of her pyrokinesis because it left her to bear her responsibilities alone and it made other children tease her for her inability to control it, which made her view her flames as a curse. She later learns to accept them from Sonic's advice and came to see them as a blessing. Also, when it comes to her duty as guardian of the Sol Emeralds and their relation to the Chaos Emeralds, she is shown to have great faith in the actions both sets of Emeralds take on their own, no matter how vague their reasons may be.

Because of her past and strong sense of responsibility, Blaze has developed a habit of being self-reliant. This has led her to build up walls between her and other people, making her anti-social, withdrawn, and shy. As a result, she would bottle up her secret feelings, leaving herself in inner turmoil. She also lacks in social skills and has a hard time opening up and talking to people. She was also initially wary and curt towards strangers and frequently rejected offers to help, even becoming defensive and angry. This attitude also made her somewhat selfish as she berated Sonic's offers to help and eventually ended up fighting him.

After interacting with Cream, Amy and Sonic, Blaze has mellowed out considerably socially wise, making her more amiable, friendly, and gentle towards others. She also came to understand the true meaning of friendship, making her willing to trust and accept help from others. While she still prefers handling things on her own and remains somewhat reclusive, she will accept her friends' help and is genuinely grateful for their aid. Recently, she is seemingly much more sociable, participating in Sonic's and later Amy's birthday parties simply for the sake of friendship, and is much quicker to open up and relax in front of her friends.

Blaze is very honest and almost blunt when dealing with annoyances such as Marine. During the Jeweled Scepter incident, she tried to leave Marine behind on missions due to Marine's risky behavior and even went far enough to hurt her feelings by calling her a 'nuisance' to keep her from coming along with her on a dangerous mission to Pirates' Island. This caused Marine to go after the pirates without Sonic, Tails, or Blaze. Sooner rather than later, Marine was captured by them. Blaze also had a rather bad habit of getting over-confident in threatening people to whom she thinks "deserves" it. This was most notably shown during the Jeweled Scepter incident.

Blaze sometimes has a tendency to judge others poorly and see less value in others. Notably, she expected no one to know that their worlds were in great danger during the Sol Emerald incident but was proven wrong when Sonic and Tails were also aware. Her poor judgment of others led her to have a fight with Sonic and misjudge Cream until she realized how helpful she was.

Blaze suffers from acrophobia and just the sight of heights makes her terrified, nervous, and uncomfortable as seen in Sky Babylon. However, she is not much for admitting her fear and will try to hide it.

In the IDW Comics, Solemn, calm, and collected in battle, Blaze is a noble soul. Initially, she was a bit of a loner and somewhat defensive. However, she eventually warmed up to the concept of friendship and became more sociable and positive as a result of her new relationships. She has since come to cherish the friendships she has made and will do anything to keep her friends safe despite having only known them for a short time.

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