Hello everyone, it is my pleasure to meet you all. My name is Alexander, I am here to improve my story writing skills and to create a wonderful world I can be proud of. I wish to become an author, luckily I have a creative mind and love deep stories. I am not looking for one but if I find some one who I am able to get along with and can bounce ideas off of someone I am more then happy to have a partner. Now if your interested please do ask and let us see where things lead, I am not limited just to writing since I am an artist as well so graphic novels are more then welcomed and also if your an artist/author as well then you are welcomed even more. Now if you have any questions, wish to chat or just roleplay please do drop by. Well that is all I have to say for now, it has been a pleasure to meet you all. -smiles warmly and bows my head slightly- It has been a pleasure.