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(Alma Rævs)
20 / Female / Single
Name: Alma Rævs
Age: 21
Height: 3'6"ft
Bodytype: Lithe
Gender: Female
Species: Anthro Fennec Fox
Occupation: Police Officer Intern

- I only really play with monsters, human characters, or GMs.
- Bi-Curious, heavy male lean.
- 3rd person, 1-3 Paragraph posts.
- School themes, or Crime themes.

It's a whole wide and diverse world out there, but to Alma, they were all equally tall. 'Defying the expectations', that would be how the tiny woman would describe herself if prompted.

Originating from Denmark, Alma was the young age of 7 when her parents (mostly her father) made the executive decision to travel to the Americas following to his promotion to CFO for an international company. However; a mere two years later, her mother separated and went back to Denmark, meanwhile also trying to gain custody of Alma. Alma understood her mother's situation, discrimination and feeling alienated by the culture there. But she was doing quite well for herself in school, having started to learn English the year before she arrived in the new country. After a heart to heart with her mother, she was allowed to stay with her father, on grounds of coming home to see her mother on a yearly basis.

Athletically gifted, and with smarts to rival, it became clear during high-school that the girl had an untreated ADD diagnosis, but was dealing with the symptoms very well without medication. If she put her mind to it, she could have landed herself er position as a lawyer, or joined her father's line of work. But Alma was humble, and her good heart lead her to a different line of work. Shortly after exiting Highschool, she joined the Police Academy, she aimed to be a an aircraft pilot, she had the right quality eyes, but her short stature made it impossible for her. So after being denied the position, she opted for a lowly position as a police officer, with hopes of becoming a police chief one day.

Alma hasn't quite finished her education yet, but is set to graduate with flying colors. She is at this point just 3 months away, and is learning law-theory during school hours, otherwise she's working as an intern in her local police station. There's still many things she doesn't understand or lacks the experience to deal with, but her confidence is starting to shine through, and she takes her job very seriously.

Outside of work, Alma has no greater aspirations, she's bisexual with a male lean, a bit c*cky, but definitely humorous. She is extremely lenient for an American cop, she bets it stems from her Danish heritage, she would rather not escalate issues, nor use force, even if her police code demands it. But she'd rather try and understand people before deciding the right course of action on their behalf. There's many things she still ask questions about, but respect, that is her core virtue, you show her respect, maybe she'll let you go on good behavior.

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What a sh*t Friday night. Come help me make it more exciting!
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