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8 Friends



109 / Other / Forever Alone
Somewhere Deep Underwater - Northern Mariana Islands
- AI Users/Writers, do NOT Interact
- I don't do Romance-centric RP :(
- Read my RP rules and verses here!:
- Some of my OCs:
- Some of my favorite RP Starters:

Hey. I'm Abyssal.

I've been RPing for a few years now. It's one of my favorite pastimes, second to worrying away valuable time playing video games with drawing in close third (chances are I drew my current pfp myself ^-^).

So, what brings me here?
I've been struggling to have fun with RP for quite some time. Whether it's because of the people I rp with or the standards I feel like I need to live up to, I'm not entirely sure.

I've got a bit of a history with the site. It was the website that first introduced me to writing rp and, while my old writings are less than fun to look back on nowadays, I'll always be grateful in that regard. In an era where I struggle to bring myself to write anymore, I was hoping that returning to an old friend would give me the spark I so desperately need - the reminder to why I love writing with other people.

Enough of that nonsense though. What do I like to do IRP?

While the obviousness of this may vary depending on what I currently have set as my profile pic, I'm a huge fan of giant f***off lizards and monsters. Not in the furry or scalie way mind you, I mean I'm a hardcore fan of stuff like Jurassic Park, Godzilla, and Monster Hunter.

Sorry to anybody who was hoping to do something more... intimate. I've seen a lot of that in my past here. I ain't looking for it.

That's not to say I'm alien to using more sapient characters of course, though I could definitely use some work there. While it's not my top preference, I do have my fair share of more human/human-like muses (contrary to the belief of some of my friends).

My OCVerse, Amaratasia, is the pride and joy of my hobbies, as hard as I find it to talk about openly sometimes. Another thing I hope to do during my return, however long that may be, is try to open it up to the rest of the world more. It and the... uhhh...
*Flips through notebook*
...159 characters that come with it.'re still here? Wow. Thanks for reading all of that. Didn't think I was that interesting. Either way, until the off-chance that I do end up going inactive for another six months, I'm looking forward to meeting all of you! Let's do something great together ^^

Start roleplaying with members like AbyssalL!



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I hope all of you who are sending me these friend requests are remembering to read my RP rules >:(
Mood: groggy
1  Jan 12th 2025 14:29

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