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vanillahimbo's Blog

Skylar Cobalt {OC}

✠Name: Skylar Cobalt
Nickname(s): Sky
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Faunas (Gills/Webbed hands)
Tattoos/Piercings : Three lobe piercings in each ear
Semblance: Siren's Song: Can use a lullaby to lead almost anyone to their death, she can also charm anyone to do her bidding, although without rest she will lose her voice and it only lasts for up to an hour without top-up.
Strengths: Water, Storms, Crowds
Weaknesses: Fire, Quiet, Darkness
Personality: Quiet and uptight, only relaxes around friends or trusted people.
Backstory: Coming from a rich faunas family, Sky was from a well-known family. Losing her mother rather young her father tried his best to raise her, sending her to Vale to go to the huntress academies. After Beacon's fall, she became a traveller, not able to face her father with the shame of failing her mission to become a huntress.
Weapon: A harpoon with a double-ended blade, like Weiss rapier it can also be used with dust.
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1 | 0 Comments | Dec 20th 2022 22:38

Lilyanne White {Royal OC}

Name: Princess Lilyanne White
Nickname(s): Lily, Princess, Flower
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Wood Elf
Appearance: Lily is a slim woman standing at 5'9", her white hair braided to her feet and her light red eyes accenting her pale, almost ghost-like skin. She is usually clad in green and white; seen as one of the most innocent of her siblings she is anything but.
Association: Royals
Job: Ruler
Job Description: As a ruler, Lily must uphold appearances and learn from her superiors on how to govern a country. She is proficient in many languages as well as being well versed in musical instruments, the arcane, reading and writing. She will one day either be betrothed or find a love match with another royal, however, she has seemed to refuse any and all suitors so far.
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1 | 0 Comments | Dec 20th 2022 22:19

Kyo Kuro {OC}

Name: Kyo Kuro
Nickname(s): Kuro
Villain/Hero Name: Voidling
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Kyo has long brown hair and yellow eyes, pale skin and has quite a soft, hourglass physique. She is a little overweight and is more on the soft side, possessing more fat than muscle; she has quite a large chest and stands at 6’2”. Her less human features include large black wings and black hands that transcend into her normal skin tone down her arm; she also has large talons.
Personality: Kyo is quite shy, she makes no effort to put herself in conversations and prefers to instead listen to her friends if they seem to have problems of any kind. She holds back most of her excitement and is quite easily scared, though she won’t fall for normal pranks. She tries her best to be on the best side of everybody, even if that means catering to villains. She is morally ambiguous and doesn’t believe in much.
Association: Ambiguous (Currently Heroes)
Quirk: Voidling
Quirk Description: Voidling works similarly to warp gate, however, it cannot be used to transport people or items; the void can only be used by Kyo herself, storing items and being used as a gate to what she calls “the other side”. Other humans can enter and leave but they can’t leave once the opening to the void is shut, meaning it is good for detaining villains. The other side is just a dark, endless path filled with forgotten things and things that Kyo carries around; the downside to this is if things are left there for too long they start to disintegrate. It also drains Kyo to use it too often, shown by the growing darkness on her hands and arms; using the void too much will damage her body and the void will become “unstable”.
Work/Employment: Currently at UA with no work placement.
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 17th 2022 12:02

Bluebell Satrinava {OC}

~ Basic Info ~

~ Name ~

Bluebell Satrinava

~ Nicknames ~

Blue, Speckle

~ Gender ~


~ Age ~


~ Sexual Orientation ~

Bisexual (Female Lean)

~ Nationality ~


~ Height ~


~ Appearance ~

Blue is a slim person with blue curly hair and blue eyes, her skin tone a mix of fair and tan as she has vitiligo. She has three tattoos, though mostly not on display; a sun/moon/stars, a semi-colon and a patchwork heart.

More info to be added later

~ Personality ~

Blue is quiet yet excitable, mostly relaxed and willing to just curl up with a good book. However, she likes to follow adventure, excitedly running into danger if she's asked. However, she enjoys staying home and playing guitar more. She enjoys the quiet and yet she still finds herself pulled towards the Hollyberry Kingdom for it's bustling markets and beautiful balls.

~ Likes/Dislikes ~

~ Likes ~

Spicy Foods



Nights Out



~ Dislikes ~


Open Water

Loud noises





~ Relationships ~

~ Family Tree ~

In Age Order

Alastor Belle (Father)

Aditi Satrinava (Mother)

Sam Satrinava (Sibling)

Louis Satrinava (Brother)

Cole Satrinava (Brother)

Soren Satrinava (Brother)

~ Parents ~

She is quite close to her mother but not her father, she can't stand her father, Alastor. Her father is American and her mother is a first generation immigrant from India so she celebrates most of her mother's culture over thing like the 4th of July and such.

~ Siblings ~

She is on good terms with her brothers and sibling, though things are a little strained because of her running away when she was younger.

~ Backstory ~

Blue was the youngest of five and the only girl born into the noble Belle household, however, due to her rough upbringing under her father, Alastor Belle, she ran away at the age of seventeen, giving away her title to become a singer and do things that were "unseeing of a lady" in her father's eyes. She still hasn't reconnected with them. She then began to play guitar in her spare time, mostly for extra money, and plays as a backup for others instead of going off on her own.
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1 | 1 Comment | Dec 17th 2022 11:37

~Juno Connor~ {OC}

Name: Juno Conner
Nickname(s): Juno, Kitty
Villain/Hero Name: Tabby
Age: 18
Gender: Demigirl
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Juno has the appearance of a ginger tabby. Her body is covered with ginger fur and darker stripes; she possesses cat ears as well instead of normal human ears. However, she has a human physique and is quite built, possessing hands and feet instead of paws. She has a long tail and green cat-like eyes. One of her ears is pierced twice and she has long whiskers. She stands at 5’5”.
Personality: Juno is quite a fun and energetic person who never fails to bring a smile to someone's face; she's always ready to get in on the action. However, when woken up from a nap she gets really annoyed and angry, however, if she wakes up by herself she's completely normal. She's a little jumpy, however, she's mostly completely happy to do anything. She's mostly a positive person and she lets no one see her on her off days.
Association: Heroes
Quirk: Feral
Quirk Description: Juno carries most characteristics of a feral/alley cat, having the normal powers of a cat; the following abilities include: running up to 50 mph, jumping up to 6x her height, large range of flexibility, enhanced hearing, night vision, stealth, and being able to mostly land on her feet from falling from a large height. Feral also makes her immune to diseases like rabies, so she can take control of any stray animal without being scared of animal-carried diseases. However, since her quirk is constantly on it makes her extremely exhausted/extremely vulnerable to attack while resting. She needs to take naps during the day and she won't be able to fare well if she's sent on a sporadic mission.
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 16th 2022 19:56