DIO (I, the Mighty DIO)

118 years old


Last Login:
May 24 2024

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Characters: DIO, Dio Brando
Length: Multi Para, One Liner, Para, Semi
Genre: Any, Fantasy, Gore, Horror, Supernatural, Undead,
Status: Single
Member Since:May 18, 2015

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About me:
Image Dimensions //Background// The background image is 1920px width by 1080px height and scales depending on your monitor size. When replacing it, stick to the dimensions above and try to put in an image where the main scene is flush to the left of the screen as seen in the example of Sansa. //Topper// Topper/Pic = width:50px; height:50px; //Left Side// Stats = width:300px; height:425px; The411/Pic (House Stark Sigil) = width:85px; height:85px; Class img1 (Stark characters) = width:300px; height:200px; BAE/Pic (Baelish) = width:100px; height:150px; //Right Side// Pers/Pic = width:225px; height:225px; Banner/Pic = width:500px; height:350px; Class img1 (Sansa bottom pic) = width:500px; height:250px;
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Full Name: Dio Brando
Nicknames: -
Aliases: DIO
Date Of Birth: 08-11-1867
Place Of Birth: London
Current Residence: Cairo, Egypt
Race: European
Ethnicity: British
Hair Color: Vibrant blond
Eye Color: Red, or yellow
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 232 lbs.
Birthmarks/Scars: Flesh stitching around the neck
Brother(S):Jonathan Joestar
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: -
Current Relationship(s): -
Past Relationship(s): -

Verses I reject my humanity! JoJo!
Writing Style Multiple paragraphs to novella, one-liner, semi Verses JJBA, JOJO Characters Dio Brando, DIO
Under Construction

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There are no heroes. In life, the monsters win.
Connection Name

DIO - Metal singer, also Italian for "GOD". Brando - Marlon Brando; actor.


Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.


Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.


I don't really have 'rules' But more so pet peeves.
1.) If you're easily offended, please .. Don't waste your time or my time. I can be quite heartless and if I hurt your feelings, I don't want to hear you whine.
2.) I don't always sum up long paragraphs or novellas but if I do, don't respond with one-liners or half-assed responses. Consider our contact done.
3.) .. I'll get back to this.

The above table code must remain at the top. FULL tables below can be rearranged.
Loves: A good battle! Increasing the amount of time stopped with each successful execution! Strength! ... Night time! Other things, but they're all unmentionable ..
Quirks: Jaw clenching.
Loathes: Stupidity. Ignorance. Dogs. Joestars. Don't push your luck.

Additional Information:
Age: 100+
Sex: Male
Here for: What ever suits me ..

Every one survives peace of mind. ... Aren't you uneasy, knowing you may die? ... If you join me, I will give you peace of mind that will last forever.
My skin has gone from porcelain, to ivory, to steel

Dio is consistently manipulative and violently domineering, apparently lacking much conscience or empathy. In addition to his wit and intelligence, it is suggested that Dio has accumulated considerable knowledge as a result of a passion for reading. Dio will normally not attack anything or anybody unless provoked (although probably more out of regarding them as inconsequential, and so not worthy of attention, than anything akin to kindness). Even when trying to remove an obstacle, he will first try persuading people to work for him, and only fight them if they oppose. Dio is ambitious, sadistic, arrogant, and megalomaniacal, seemingly able to do anything to achieve his aims.

Technically bisexual, Dio can and will openly offer himself to either sex using any method, as long as the person suits his present desires. Though since he is selfishly interested in their capabilities, how ever, Dio is the type who is incapable of loving another person wholeheartedly.


Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.


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Well, I'm a lot more laid back than I seem, my sense of humor is derranged, I won't lie. My attitude does cross because though I am docile, I do get quickly angered. Hmm ..

**Important** You will note the line above starting with has been added in. When you switch players with one of your own, make sure to add that line to your music player code. While the code is not needed in this layout, it's best to get in the habit of adding it in. Firefox does not always properly hide a 'hidden' object without a code like the above.
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