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(Clint Barton)
53 / Male / Divorced
Waverly, Iowa - United States
“I don’t wanna be 50 years old and still be wearing tights.”


Full name: Clinton Francis Barton
Alignment: Neutral
Nicknames: Clint, Arrowguy, Legolas.
Alias: Hawkeye, Ronin.
Age: 53 years old
Birthday: September 1st 1975
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital status: Divorced
Species: Human
Nationality: American
Current location: Manhattan, New York
Status: Alive
Languages: English, Japanese, Russian, German, ASL.
Occupation: Former Avenger, semi-retired
Accent: American
Affiliations: The Avengers, Team Cap, SHIELD (formerly), Strike Team Delta (formerly).


Height: 5ft 10
Weight: N/A
Skin colour: Fair
Eye colour: Blue-grey
Hair colour: Brown
Skin markings: N/A
Tattoos: His Ronin tattoo all over his left arm.
Scars: A few scars across his face, covered with bandages.
Body type: Dad-bod
Face shape: Diamond
Disabilities: Hard of hearing (wears a hearing aid)
Physical age: 53
Piercings: None.
Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: Jeremy Renner


Personality type: ISTP
Illnesses: PTSD
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert
Likes: His friends, heroism, protecting the innocent, superheroes, justice, joking, archery, banderillas, tamales, sweet fritters, cognac, pizza, daiquiris.
Dislikes: being brainwashed or mind controlled, villains, evil, betrayal, killing innocent people.
Positive traits: Honest, observant, loyal, dedicated.
Negative traits: Sarcastic, blunt, judgemental.
Hobbies: Archery, LARPing.
Bad habits: Staying up late and drinking a lot of coffee.



1. Master archer
2. Expert marksman
3. Expert acrobat
4. Expert martial artist
5. Skilled tactician
6. Weapons proficiency
7. Bow mastery
8. Sword mastery
9. Staff mastery

Weapons: Trick arrow quiver, collapsible recurve bow, retractable katana.

Weaknesses: Clint is just a normal human and without his bow, trick arrows and retractable sword he can easily be overpowered by super strong opponents. He is also not immortal and can be killed.


Mother: Edith (deceased)
Father: Harold (deceased)
Siblings: Barney (brother - alive)
Extended family: Cooper and Nathaniel (sons), Lila (daughter).
Pets: Lucky the Pizza Dog

Allies: Maya Lopez, the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Best friends: Natasha Romanoff, Nebula, Maria Hill.
Friends: Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Kate Bishop.
Love interests/crushes: Scott Lang, Natasha Romanoff, Matt Murdock, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark.
Frenemies: Bucky Barnes.
Enemies: Kingpin, Thanos, HYDRA, Ultron, Loki Laufeyson (former), Kang the Conqueror (upcoming), Yelena Belova (former), Tony Stark (former).
Exes: Laura Barton (ex-wife).


Movie/TV show appearances (in order):
1. Thor
2. The Avengers
3. Avengers: Age of Ultron
4. Captain America: Civil War
5. Avengers: Endgame
6. Hawkeye series



~ His favorite thing to do is hide in the vents.
~ He is a movie buff. His favourite movies are Die Hard and Hunger Games (ironically).
~ He likes to cook but isn’t very good at it. Tony didn’t allow him to cook in the Compound or the Tower as he feared that Clint might burn the kitchen down.
~ His favourite colour is purple (again, ironically).
~ He is obsessed with pizza, coffee and strawberry daiquiris.
~ He is a music lover, and now he is technically retired, he would put out his own music.
~ He likes to show off to them. Especially at games. The Avengers or basically anyone is going to be wrangled into games of pool, darts, or other similar games of skill.


//Barney (Clint's older brother) will be played by Pedro Pascal for this version of Clint.

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