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netcore10's Blog

Aspiring chef.

Name: James
Age: 26 - late twenties
Occupation: Aspiring chef
- has never really had much money growing up.
- had loving parents who supported him
- was very good at making hearty meals with limited ingredients
- got his first apartment.

- Noodles, of all kinds!
- Being under pressure, but he's working on it.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 30th 2024 20:21

[very old character] Baxter (Caretaker)

Name: Baxter
Age: 20 ish

Personality: Closed off, untrusting.
Bright, silvery hair.(Rare)
Lean, prone to exhaustion.
Prefer's to not care about how much something is worth, so he wears what he feels is needed.


Baxter was taken in as a child by a kind, warm and homely group of people... Until he was forced to partake in their rather dark deeds, then he no longer considered them kind and warm.

For a long time, Baxter had worked with this dastardly group. Their main goal was to syphon the magic of creatures for all that they were worth. Fairies, elves, orcs, anything was fair game for this group, creating synthetic magic for the people who go about their day like any other... And he was left to pick up the pieces, to care for the dying, sickly and downright traumatised creatures that were left to repeat the process.

He no longer trusts people, he doesn't believe in kindness... And he's done taking their orders. If only he wasn't just hungry and weak.
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0 | 0 Comments | Nov 8th 2022 18:49

Baxter (Mage) Puppet master.

Name: Baxter

Age: 20+

Class: (Mage) Puppet master

Baxter grew up pretty healthy. He had a loving family who harboured loving ideals towards him with much support for anything he wanted to do... He wanted to be an adventurer like the many he looked up too, blade in hand! Until his adventuring was cut short because of an accident training. This left him with the kind of problem that meant he couldn't work like he used too; if he wasn't walking around with a brace on his left leg for short moments, he was in his wheelchair. It was custom carved from wood, vines wrapped around for support and the utmost perfectionism when it came to it's shape. He couldn't swing a sword any more, he couldn't brace for any friends he made and he certainly couldn't fight like this!

It wasn't until he happened on a small town practically in the middle of nowhere, wallowing in self pity that he found his next step in life. An old puppet was left broken and abused, left sitting in the back corners of the church. Care was all it took to get it pristine again... There was just one problem. Baxter had little to no magic capacity. He refused to take no for an answer though, with many months to the brink of mana sickness to build up his mana and an instinct from a distance, he found something that could bridge the gap, even if he had blind spots! 

… If only he knew the true history of the knee height puppet he was wielding with his mana strings...


Baxter is your average scruffy male, though his strength has reduced to due his switch to magic. His bright silver hair scruffily sat about at his neck, now clean shaven with gear fit for a mage. An enchanted upper garment and capelet (A cape that only fits over the shoulders) glowing with expert craft. His upper body is protected with some leather to  protect his vitals. Due to movement being solely in his wheelchair, he's struck a balance of magic and defence! His eyes are fiery red with a tendency to reflect like a blood moon, all packaged together into a medium build.

His puppet: 

Due to lack of knowledge and only a month of progress his puppet is made of basic wood, hobbled together and tied at the joints. Wood, is the easiest to master, due to it being able to take up many roles and sub classes. At Baxter's current level, Baxter uses the (invisible) mana strings to subdue enemies and hit with it's fists and limbs with fine control. (There are other types that I feel can exist.)
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 12th 2022 20:49

[very old character] Baxter the Scholar (Fantasy)

name: Baxter
age: 20 + 
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar

Personality traits:
- Good: Kind, Inquisitive.
- Bad: A bit clumsy at times, sometimes talks too much.


Baxter Is your typical writer, with a pouch and backpack fit for travel. His hair is slightly messy due to him spending more time interacting with creatures than looking out for himself, he has green eyes and dark hair, a toned face but quite wimpy in appearance, the only muscle he has built is because of how much he travels outside of the local towns and villages. His height is quite average, barely being taller than most.


From a young age, Baxter was always interested in animals, the fascination started small with bugs and fairies but soon grew to things much bigger than himself. As a child, he would always sketch and document his findings, fascinated by what they ate, what they hated and how they interacted... But most of all he loved to know what made them happy. As Baxter grew older, the need to write better grew stronger and a natural progression into learning how to write better, how to structure information and graduated with a scholarship in writing and documenting. This wasn't on a whim though, as all he ever dreamed about was being the first to write a book about every creature on the planet... Although he knows that the dream may be too big, he doesn't stop striving to learn about them.
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 28th 2022 17:53

[very old character] (Occult/supernatural)

Name: Baxter

Age: 20plus

Occupation: Unemployed (Occult investigator? He really doesn't know.)

Baxter was never really one for keeping up appearances, but he likes to keep his short black medium hair rather neat. He enjoys wearing a long flowy coat over his usual casual shirt and pants... (Though he will never admit he does so because he thinks it makes him cool). He has one bright yellow eye, and his right eye is a normal blue. Due to the years of running and fighting the horrors of the world, he's built up natural muscle.

Baxter grew up in a normal home, with normal parents, and normal siblings... But he was far from normal.

Baxter was 8 years old when he saw his first ghost, though back then he considered it his only imaginary friend. When he got older, he truly knew what was happening. When he says 'I've seen it all' He truly has. He was running from ghosts at 10. He fought a beastly zombie at 12 and met his first reaper when he was 15.

Nobody believed him. His family thought he was crazy, his therapist called it a 'wild imagination and a whole slew of other problems... But he documented everything in his journal, progressing from his 8-year-old handwriting to a literate 20 , even going to far as to write over it with newer details and developed great sketching skills to boot! *He* knew it was real and *He* was going to get his answers no matter how long it took.
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5 | 0 Comments | Jun 12th 2020 16:07