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Questions for morbiid

thrillkiller asked the question
Q. my mom is making me go to bed. Gn uwu
A. Gn uwu
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. bby?
A. Sorry I took my friends to the skate park in my pajamas
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. also my grandpa is coming home tomorrow so I’ll be on and off ily
A. Oki uwu
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. one of my puppies got a haircut and he looks so cute ahskdnkdnd
A. Aww. I’m watching Peter Pan.
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. good luck on ur job interview!
A. Ty! I gotta head out in like 30 mins
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. my mom is making me go to bed. Ily
A. Aw gn! I have a job interview tomorrow at 3 so I’ll be on before and when I get home!
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. Gn
A. Gn. We should rp Miraculous tomorrow!
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. also I’m going out tomorrow so if I’m not on that’s why uwu
A. I have to babysit so I won’t be on
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. when the winner of ur thespian competition cheated lmaooo
A. Ew
thrillkiller asked the question
Q. back uwu
A. Wb