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11 Friends



22 / Male / Broken Hearted
Kyoto, Kansai - Japan
LET ME SERVE YOU, OKAY????????????????

if you don't you're getting a kiss and not one of those wussy kisses it's gonna be on the lips SOOO YOU BETTER LEMME FRICKIN' DO IT

It's lovely to meet you, stranger! My real name is Ikeda, though it's not like anyone will believe nor care that I live in Japan, but hey, who cares? Call me Ike (pronounced ee-kay for you English speaking dummies [wait, don't I speak English too?]). I can speak four languages, hold the applause, but enough about me! More about us! You and I! The two of us will be an unstoppable pair of lovebirds that will create characters to rule over the entire world! Or maybe they just do a little kissy kissy and stuff, I DON'T KNOW!

I have been writing stories with friends since I was a tiny little squeaky guy (still tiny, kinda squeaky), and I consider myself to be fluent enough in English to satisfy most peoples needs. However, if I end up doing or saying something wrong, I'd love some feedback.

I'm an open and flexible guy! Yes, in real life too, you should see my gymnastics ฅ•ω•ฅ

If you have any ideas or plots you'd like to do, odds are I will tell you yes!! BUT, if I decline, please don't make it weird~~ there are very few situations where I will decline, but respect my decisions! Or else! You get bonked! Waaaah!

If I haven't scared you off, drop a friend request! (insert generic line about how I don't bite unless you want me to) <3

PS. super interested in maid, servant, slave, or any kinda situation where my character serves yours. could be something like your character is sick and my character is a nurse, just anything!! OOOR A CAFE! MAID CAFE OMG (oh my goodness)

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Q. Did you know you can change your profile background and colors by going here?
A. Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
 Aug 6th 2022 14:09

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