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Questions for lawyer

hydra asked the question
Q. "Can I take my godchildren to the zoo??? Denali told me to ask you, since you're their father or whatever."
A. "Godchildren? And tey're barely old enough to remember anything- Not to mention you, alone, want to take about four kids to the zoo? Alone? You're funny."
hydra asked the question
Q. "MATTHEW MURDOCK. The Matthew Murdock. Could I ask for a favour? Or maybe just a question? Please, it won't take long, and, you love me."
A. "What's up? Are you looking for...Uh...De? Are you looking for De? Cause she isn't here right now..." Matt tilted his head.
hydra asked the question
Q. Truthfully, Del didn't know Matt. Didn't know where he'd be, how to talk to him, if he'd even want to talk to her, but it was worth a try. For Denali's sake, or maybe for the adverse.

If anywhere, the firm surely would be the best place to look. And, so, there she was, nervously awaiting his arrival in a spare chair towards the back of the office space.
A. Matt slowly approached Del, his cane in hand as he offered a warm smile. "Del. Fancy seeing you here. Get into a fender-bender or something?"

Matt then took his seat across from Del, resting his hands on his lap. "So. What can I do for you? Coming by to visit, or...?" He shrugged slightly, tapping his fingers against his cane.