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(Sage Kina)
26 / Female / Married
Silver Spring, Maryland - United States
Hi there! My name is Sage. I'm 25 and I've been RP-ing for about... mmm... 13 years? I started RPing on AVH (A Virtual Horse). As weird as it sounds, I had some AMAZING stories going on there. Then I tried my hand at multi-para RPs and finally came across this site -- I've been on and off this site for years.

I prefer to not do strictly ERP, in fact most of the time I try to avoid it as best I can since I find that it can ruin the plot. If it flows naturally, then I'm all for it.

I DO NOT PLAY CANON CHARACTERS. If you would like to create a story based on Naruto, Harry Potter, etc, DO NOT expect me to play a canon character. I will refuse. OCs in already-created worlds, though, are fine.
I'm looking for someone who is willing to create meaningful, fun and complex stories and plots with me -- preferably for the long term. I'd like multi-para, para or novella (novella is OBVIOUSLY not required), but one thing that IS required is proper grammar/spelling. I get it, English isn't everyone's primary language, so I can make exceptions. But using 'u' or 'r' in a RP just ruins the flow.

I'm from the USA, and I work two jobs as well as go to school so I won't be on here specifically a whole lot. If we do get going on a plot that we really enjoy, or if you'd prefer, we can RP on Discord.

Start roleplaying with members like holdonsage!



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