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Forum > Supernatural > 18 + ☆ Long-Term Roleplay Partners ☆

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Started by MaeveVixen , Apr 14th 2020 04:35

MaeveVixen - Apr 14th 2020 04:35

I've been on this website for quiet a while, and have been in groups, and have made friends, but eventually. I've come to realize sooner or later, the cycle of toxic behaviors ruins all.

So, I've come for a fresh start. And want rp-partners who are not consistently rolling in drama, and whom actually want to create stories that benefits to eachother's weaknesses and strengths in rp.

So just to give you some information on myself.

I've rped since i was 10. So I've got plenty of experince with roleplay under my belt.

I only rp in 3rd person, cause 1st person and 2nd person are too...weird. i can't stand either. So 3rd person is a must for me.

I am dsylexic, so there will be days i might accidentally repeat something, or make a minor grammar mistake. So lets agree, not everyone is perfect.

Let's make things mutually understandable.

I will absolutely not tolerate doing all the work. If i got a very huge plot idea to pitch, then i don't mind. But, what i hate is a partner who lacks to feed my inspiration. It makes me feel like i am absolutely wasting my time, for something that will be picked apart, because you refused to speak up.

So please.

Rp is 50/50.

I do all sorts of pairings!! M x M, F x F, F x M.

But, i will say now. HETERO MALES ARE MY WEAKNESS. I cannot roleplay dominate males. It has to be an absolute mind set, that i rarely can get into.

So, my males, are naturally gay or bi. And are generally submissive. Dominace has to be an absolute mood for me. Females, i got no issue with being tops, or bottoms.

I will tell you all this now, so no disappointment can emerge.

My genres are pretty dark. Being a horror fan, i generally am not squeamish.

18 + and NFSW themes are welcomed. I just expect a story and for sm*t to not be the soul purpose.

Drama, Psychological, Supernatural, Humor, Romance, Thriller, and Action.

These are my preference.

For fandoms
I'll list down the basic I'm into. But you can ask about any other fandoms i may not have listed.

- American Horror Story ( Finishing season 8)
- Being Human ( USA Version )
- The Witcher
- Game of Thrones ( i got to season 6 )
- The Mandalorian
- Hemlock Grove
- Shameless ( currently on season 8 )
- Castlevania
- Harry Potter
- Twilight Saga
- Lord of the Rings
- Umbrella Academy

Lastly, my rules.
I don't do : Incest, Age-play, or anything overly taboo that would make me want to puke.

However, i will welcome furries on the exception of them not being something too far fetched, that would make the role play itself unimaginable.
And wouldn't make things obviously awkward unless you're into some random crack roleplay, then i guess i can use my shrek memes.


I'm not super picky, i am very laid back. So hit me up if you actually read all this and find something we could mutually work on together!

Heart this

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