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[FxF] Roleplay idea with a neko

Violetkitsune replied to Violetkitsune's topic


Nov 2nd 2020 17:17

[FxF] Roleplay idea with a neko

Violetkitsune replied to Violetkitsune's topic


Oct 25th 2020 14:10

[FxF] Roleplay idea with a neko

Violetkitsune replied to Violetkitsune's topic


Oct 22nd 2020 23:45

Light Sci-Fi Plots with Romance [FxF]

Violetkitsune replied to Violetkitsune's topic

Idea one: Nekos are an extremely rare species, not originally found on earth. You manage to find me who has been living on earth in secret. You capture me and since you are a scientist, take me to your lab.

Idea Two: I am a stowaway on your cargo ship by accident, and it's your choice whether you hold me prisoner or are very friend's and understanding. The space ship's delivery is many many days away so we'll be alone together for a long time.

Idea Three: An alien crash lands on earth and along with needing a new ship or her ship repaired she also needs someone to implant her eggs in for a half alien half human offspring study. (Not through d*ck or f*ta or tentacles, geez perverts I bet I stopped you in your tracks)

Oct 19th 2020 10:25

[FxF] Roleplay idea with a neko

Violetkitsune replied to Violetkitsune's topic


Oct 19th 2020 08:29