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Forum > Despiadado

Plots and more on my blog

Despiadado replied to Despiadado's topic

The Lord Of Legamantul

    For generations, the folk of Legamantul have prospered whilst neighbors from other city states of Romani had suffered the effects of plague, corruption, and struggles for resources. Their secret was one closely guarded, those privy defending it with their lives. It was the efforts of their Liege Lord, Prince Razvan, that the villages were hearty and hale. But the existence of their domain was not hidden away forever, as some wished it to be. Raiding parties from their fellow man were a concern, but the true threat came in the form of the creatures of the night. With their masters long since dead and no candidate stepping up to rule the lands of shadow, Prince Razvan must decide whether his selfish wish to defend the settlements he made in honor of his former friend or once again take up the mantle as Prince of Darkness. 

Hastana, He Who is Changed

    Dr. Eitan Pena was renowned the world over for his advances in the study of human psychology. Foremost in the field as a practitioner that uncovers the meaning of what human lives are and what their purpose is, he seems almost biblical in his publications but his opposers are hard pressed to find any way to debate against his views. Perhaps that is because he was created in a time far before the humans were even conceived in the mind of the Creator. Keeping his true identity a secret for the time being, Evyatar, as he was truly known, feels that the war for humanity is close, and he is preparing for the clash between good and evil. When the time comes, he will have to make a choice. Will he help save the souls of Man alongside Immanuel and His host of heavenly warriors? Or will he damn the vast majority, the likes of whom redemption is forsaken to them by the left side of Lucifer?

Righteous Suicide 

    The world's state of affairs mattered little to none to Andras Sosa. As a freelance mercenary with services only the truly elite (or government officials} could afford, he was tasked with a new mission that quickly turned personal. The STG (Special Tactics Group), were conducting illegal operations across the European Peninsula and superseded their authority to act without the supervision of the United Nations. Formerly their top covert agent, Andras must team up with another individual whose own ability is capable of competing with his command of nuclear forces. Together, they must track down and either eliminate the rogue syndicate or bring it to justice, answering for their crimes.

Dec 18th 2021 19:01

Plots and more on my blog

Despiadado replied to Despiadado's topic

The Lord Of Legamantul

    For generations, the folk of Legamantul have prospered whilst neighbors from other city states of Romani had suffered the effects of plague, corruption, and struggles for resources. Their secret was one closely guarded, those privy defending it with their lives. It was the efforts of their Liege Lord, Prince Razvan, that the villages were hearty and hale. But the existence of their domain was not hidden away forever, as some wished it to be. Raiding parties from their fellow man were a concern, but the true threat came in the form of the creatures of the night. With their masters long since dead and no candidate stepping up to rule the lands of shadow, Prince Razvan must decide whether his selfish wish to defend the settlements he made in honor of his former friend or once again take up the mantle as Prince of Darkness. 

Hastana, He Who is Changed

    Dr. Eitan Pena was renowned the world over for his advances in the study of human psychology. Foremost in the field as a practitioner that uncovers the meaning of what human lives are and what their purpose is, he seems almost biblical in his publications but his opposers are hard pressed to find any way to debate against his views. Perhaps that is because he was created in a time far before the humans were even conceived in the mind of the Creator. Keeping his true identity a secret for the time being, Evyatar, as he was truly known, feels that the war for humanity is close, and he is preparing for the clash between good and evil. When the time comes, he will have to make a choice. Will he help save the souls of Man alongside Immanuel and His host of heavenly warriors? Or will he damn the vast majority, the likes of whom redemption is forsaken to them by the left side of Lucifer?

Righteous Suicide 

    The world's state of affairs mattered little to none to Andras Sosa. As a freelance mercenary with services only the truly elite (or government officials} could afford, he was tasked with a new mission that quickly turned personal. The STG (Special Tactics Group), were conducting illegal operations across the European Peninsula and superseded their authority to act without the supervision of the United Nations. Formerly their top covert agent, Andras must team up with another individual whose own ability is capable of competing with his command of nuclear forces. Together, they must track down and either eliminate the rogue syndicate or bring it to justice, answering for their crimes.

Dec 18th 2021 19:01

Plots and more on my blog

Despiadado replied to Despiadado's topic

The Lord Of Legamantul

    For generations, the folk of Legamantul have prospered whilst neighbors from other city states of Romani had suffered the effects of plague, corruption, and struggles for resources. Their secret was one closely guarded, those privy defending it with their lives. It was the efforts of their Liege Lord, Prince Razvan, that the villages were hearty and hale. But the existence of their domain was not hidden away forever, as some wished it to be. Raiding parties from their fellow man were a concern, but the true threat came in the form of the creatures of the night. With their masters long since dead and no candidate stepping up to rule the lands of shadow, Prince Razvan must decide whether his selfish wish to defend the settlements he made in honor of his former friend or once again take up the mantle as Prince of Darkness. 

Hastana, He Who is Changed

    Dr. Eitan Pena was renowned the world over for his advances in the study of human psychology. Foremost in the field as a practitioner that uncovers the meaning of what human lives are and what their purpose is, he seems almost biblical in his publications but his opposers are hard pressed to find any way to debate against his views. Perhaps that is because he was created in a time far before the humans were even conceived in the mind of the Creator. Keeping his true identity a secret for the time being, Evyatar, as he was truly known, feels that the war for humanity is close, and he is preparing for the clash between good and evil. When the time comes, he will have to make a choice. Will he help save the souls of Man alongside Immanuel and His host of heavenly warriors? Or will he damn the vast majority, the likes of whom redemption is forsaken to them by the left side of Lucifer?

Righteous Suicide 

    The world's state of affairs mattered little to none to Andras Sosa. As a freelance mercenary with services only the truly elite (or government officials} could afford, he was tasked with a new mission that quickly turned personal. The STG (Special Tactics Group), were conducting illegal operations across the European Peninsula and superseded their authority to act without the supervision of the United Nations. Formerly their top covert agent, Andras must team up with another individual whose own ability is capable of competing with his command of nuclear forces. Together, they must track down and either eliminate the rogue syndicate or bring it to justice, answering for their crimes.

Dec 18th 2021 19:00

Plots and more on my blog

Despiadado replied to Despiadado's topic

The Lord Of Legamantul

    For generations, the folk of Legamantul have prospered whilst neighbors from other city states of Romani had suffered the effects of plague, corruption, and struggles for resources. Their secret was one closely guarded, those privy defending it with their lives. It was the efforts of their Liege Lord, Prince Razvan, that the villages were hearty and hale. But the existence of their domain was not hidden away forever, as some wished it to be. Raiding parties from their fellow man were a concern, but the true threat came in the form of the creatures of the night. With their masters long since dead and no candidate stepping up to rule the lands of shadow, Prince Razvan must decide whether his selfish wish to defend the settlements he made in honor of his former friend or once again take up the mantle as Prince of Darkness. 

Hastana, He Who is Changed

    Dr. Eitan Pena was renowned the world over for his advances in the study of human psychology. Foremost in the field as a practitioner that uncovers the meaning of what human lives are and what their purpose is, he seems almost biblical in his publications but his opposers are hard pressed to find any way to debate against his views. Perhaps that is because he was created in a time far before the humans were even conceived in the mind of the Creator. Keeping his true identity a secret for the time being, Evyatar, as he was truly known, feels that the war for humanity is close, and he is preparing for the clash between good and evil. When the time comes, he will have to make a choice. Will he help save the souls of Man alongside Immanuel and His host of heavenly warriors? Or will he damn the vast majority, the likes of whom redemption is forsaken to them by the left side of Lucifer?

Righteous Suicide 

    The world's state of affairs mattered little to none to Andras Sosa. As a freelance mercenary with services only the truly elite (or government officials} could afford, he was tasked with a new mission that quickly turned personal. The STG (Special Tactics Group), were conducting illegal operations across the European Peninsula and superseded their authority to act without the supervision of the United Nations. Formerly their top covert agent, Andras must team up with another individual whose own ability is capable of competing with his command of nuclear forces. Together, they must track down and either eliminate the rogue syndicate or bring it to justice, answering for their crimes.

Dec 18th 2021 19:00

Plots and more on my blog

Despiadado replied to Despiadado's topic

The Lord Of Legamantul

    For generations, the folk of Legamantul have prospered whilst neighbors from other city states of Romani had suffered the effects of plague, corruption, and struggles for resources. Their secret was one closely guarded, those privy defending it with their lives. It was the efforts of their Liege Lord, Prince Razvan, that the villages were hearty and hale. But the existence of their domain was not hidden away forever, as some wished it to be. Raiding parties from their fellow man were a concern, but the true threat came in the form of the creatures of the night. With their masters long since dead and no candidate stepping up to rule the lands of shadow, Prince Razvan must decide whether his selfish wish to defend the settlements he made in honor of his former friend or once again take up the mantle as Prince of Darkness. 

Hastana, He Who is Changed

    Dr. Eitan Pena was renowned the world over for his advances in the study of human psychology. Foremost in the field as a practitioner that uncovers the meaning of what human lives are and what their purpose is, he seems almost biblical in his publications but his opposers are hard pressed to find any way to debate against his views. Perhaps that is because he was created in a time far before the humans were even conceived in the mind of the Creator. Keeping his true identity a secret for the time being, Evyatar, as he was truly known, feels that the war for humanity is close, and he is preparing for the clash between good and evil. When the time comes, he will have to make a choice. Will he help save the souls of Man alongside Immanuel and His host of heavenly warriors? Or will he damn the vast majority, the likes of whom redemption is forsaken to them by the left side of Lucifer?

Righteous Suicide 

    The world's state of affairs mattered little to none to Andras Sosa. As a freelance mercenary with services only the truly elite (or government officials} could afford, he was tasked with a new mission that quickly turned personal. The STG (Special Tactics Group), were conducting illegal operations across the European Peninsula and superseded their authority to act without the supervision of the United Nations. Formerly their top covert agent, Andras must team up with another individual whose own ability is capable of competing with his command of nuclear forces. Together, they must track down and either eliminate the rogue syndicate or bring it to justice, answering for their crimes.

Dec 18th 2021 18:59