Writing specifics~

I am the admin, and you may refer to me as 'Ulalume'.

I love the taboo, and I love the occult. Wink wink.

I am delighted to share my interests with you~ I take pride in my diverse literary collection, which comprises several genres that cater to my varied tastes. My bookshelf is replete with an eclectic blend of sci-fi, thriller, horror, fantasy, mythology, history of witchcraft, astronomy guides, and even more light-hearted things such as romance manga, and young adult romances.

As a voracious reader, I have several favorite authors and artists whose works I cherish. Among them are the brilliant minds of H.P Lovecraft, Joe Hill, Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, Junji Ito, and Alex North. Their creative prowess is awe-inspiring and has left an indelible imprint on me.

I have a particular fascination for the horror genre, especially graphic and intense horror. Have you seen the second Terrifier movie? If so, you will understand the impact of the iconic bedroom scene. However, my interests are not limited to grotesque, body horror. I also love mysteries, medieval fantasies, supernatural dramas, gothic romances, and mushy, lesbian love stories.

When it comes to writing, I am meticulous and take my time to craft riveting narratives. If you are looking for quick responses, I am afraid I may not meet your expectations. I place a premium on perfection and strive to create highly descriptive and immersive stories that draw readers into the world of my characters.

I must admit that my stringent criteria have led to several disappointments in the past, which is why I have presented my profile to be more open-minded. However, I hope this blog gives you a glimpse into my personality and interests. Feel free to reach out if I interest you.



Authors that inspire me -
Stephen King and his son Joe Hill, Junji Ito, H.P Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Alex North, J.R.R.Tolkien, H.G Wells

Shows that inspire me -
Tricky, as some are also mangas that I enjoy.
Sweet Home, Parasyte, YellowJackets, The White Lotus, Chucky, From, You, Glitch, Channel Zero, Bly Manor, Midnight Mass, Only Murders In the Building, Dirk Gently

On top of all of that, I love creepypastas too! There are so many brilliant ones out there that could be expanded on. The show "Channel Zero" is a perfect example of such.
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4 | Apr 14th 2024 11:59